• 113,787 Trophies Earned
  • 9,276 Players Tracked
  • 28 Total Trophies
  • 14,115 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,260 Points
  • 287 Platinum Club
  • 286 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Obtain all other trophies

    3.09% (2795.00)
  • Ace

    Kill 3 other players in one round

    43.69% (198.00)
  • Kill 3 other players in one round without taking damage

    40.45% (213.00)
  • Finish a round on each map of the game

    57.08% (151.00)
  • Win on every level

    4.50% (1919.00)
  • Win a match where a black hole appears

    58.89% (147.00)
  • Kill 2 other players within a short amount of time

    59.93% (144.00)
  • Kill 3 other players within a short amount of time

    20.59% (419.00)
  • Kill 4 in a row without dying

    65.00% (133.00)
  • Kill 5 in a row without dying

    56.68% (152.00)
  • Kill 6 in a row without dying

    47.23% (183.00)
  • Kill 7 in a row without dying

    38.00% (227.00)
  • Kill 8 in a row without dying

    30.06% (287.00)
  • Kill 9 in a row without dying

    23.98% (360.00)
  • Kill 10 in a row without dying

    19.73% (438.00)
  • Get killed by a snake

    93.64% (92.00)
  • Become the target of a snake and survive the round

    95.66% (90.00)
  • Win by reflecting a bullet with the block

    28.14% (307.00)
  • Block your opponent then immediately kill them with fists

    10.83% (797.00)
  • Kill an opponent with a mid-air kick

    96.45% (90.00)
  • Pick up an energy-sword

    53.48% (161.00)
  • Headshot

    94.23% (92.00)
  • 77 sniper kills

    3.79% (2278.00)
  • Kill an opponent with the last bounce of the bullet of the bounce weapon

    14.14% (611.00)
  • Win a round by every opponent falling off the map

    97.98% (88.00)
  • Win the round after all ice is destroyed on an ice level

    41.27% (209.00)
  • Win a round by killing 3 opponents using the blink dagger

    7.78% (1110.00)
  • 99 total kills

    20.38% (424.00)