• 13,285 Trophies Earned
  • 4,357 Players Tracked
  • 12 Total Trophies
  • 21,793 Obtainable EXP
  • 315 Points
  • 0 Platinum Club
  • 61 100% Club
Earned Date
  • You hit a homerun.

    100.00% (172.00)
  • You hit a homerun with the bases loaded.

    43.75% (393.00)
  • You pitched a complete season game with a single pitcher and gave up no runs.

    28.57% (602.00)
  • You crushed the batter's hopes by climbing the wall to snag one out of the sky.

    9.64% (1783.00)
  • You caught the batter looking for a 3rd-out strikeout with the bases loaded.

    12.14% (1416.00)
  • Your hard battle through the season has rewarded you with a playoff spot.

    18.61% (924.00)
  • A player on your team hit a single, double, triple and a homerun in a single game.

    22.56% (762.00)
  • You capped your successful season with victory in the playoffs.

    16.32% (1053.00)
  • A player on your team led the league in batting average at the conclusion of regular season play.

    18.36% (936.00)
  • A player on your team led the league in homeruns hit at the conclusion of regular season play.

    17.05% (1008.00)
  • Players on your team led the league in each of batting average, homeruns and RBIs at the conclusion of regular season play.

    16.41% (1048.00)
  • You won a championship while playing at ego 80 or higher.

    1.47% (11696.00)