• 442,606 Trophies Earned
  • 60,111 Players Tracked
  • 27 Total Trophies
  • 14,605 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,305 Points
  • 1,757 Platinum Club
  • 1,757 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Obtain all the Trophies

    2.92% (1709.00)
  • Launch every app in the system.

    7.52% (664.00)
  • Kill over 1987 Red Dudes in endless mode.

    4.08% (1223.00)
  • Find every hidden terminal.

    4.65% (1073.00)
  • Kill 3 Red Dudes with one shotgun shot.

    15.41% (324.00)
  • Become part of the community.

    6.74% (740.00)
  • Kill 100 Red Dudes using melee.

    46.61% (107.00)
  • Unlock all endless levels.

    4.21% (1185.00)
  • Get RED ending in every level of SPEEDRUNrt challenge.

    3.54% (1410.00)
  • Beat all Challenges.

    3.00% (1663.00)
  • Kill an enemy by jumping on him.

    49.94% (100.00)
  • Kill 100 Red Dudes with a pistol.

    57.95% (86.00)
  • Kill 100 Red Dudes with a shotgun.

    24.65% (202.00)
  • Shoot down a bullet with a bullet.

    87.74% (57.00)
  • Complete the game.

    32.95% (151.00)
  • Score 100 headshots.

    28.85% (173.00)
  • Kill 3 Red Dudes with one rifle burst.

    26.42% (189.00)
  • Red

    Kill 100 Red Dudes with a rifle.

    15.42% (324.00)
  • Kill 2 Red Dudes with one katana throw.

    19.65% (254.00)
  • Cut bullet with a katana.

    23.39% (213.00)
  • Launch Pumpkin Spiced Challenge between 24.10 & 7.11

    6.34% (787.00)
  • Get RED ending in every level of SPEEDRUN challenge.

    3.85% (1296.00)
  • Complete SERV level.

    67.59% (74.00)
  • Get back to the system after being expelled.

    56.14% (89.00)
  • Kill 100 Red Dudes with a katana.

    20.14% (248.00)
  • Complete SUBWAY level.

    92.91% (54.00)
  • Capture the replay.

    23.71% (210.00)