Cast a number of fire spells.
Score a record-breaking amount of damage.
Collect a certain number of plants.
Slain number of enemies.
Lead the undead army.
Discover places of interest on the world map.
Game ending 1. (Ironman)
Game ending 2. (Ironman)
Game ending 3. (Ironman)
Game ending 4. (Ironman)
Strike down your enemies with lightning while fighting for your life.
Pet the dog guide.
Knock out Borko in one hit.
Started the campaign.
Solve the quest without killing the priest.
Live fast, loot faster.
Asking tough questions.
Took the sword from the grave.
Died and visited the underworld.
Died in water.
The villagers hanged you for a crime you committed.
Borrowed money.
Meet debt collectors.
Get hunted by headhunters.
Solve the mystery in Bara village.
Took witch apples.
Refused witch apples.
Helped the character despite having reasons not to.
Helped a thief so that he could free his brother.
Finish alchemy side quest line.
Slain golem mother.
Collect 300 plants.
Solve Diogenes' query.
Got warned by guards to put some clothes.
Hire a mercenary.
Cooked food 100 times.
Hold more than 100.000 of coins at once.
Craft more than 200 potions.
Find Svarog's peaceful place.
Catch Baba Yaga's sisters spying on you in the open world three times.
Score a revenge kill against the enemy who killed you before.
Trick trolls in the underworld.
Play the game until winter starts.
Visit the end-of-the-month festival.
Catch a Krampus at night and steal his loot.
Finish the path of enlightenment.
Finish the path of drama.
Reach one of five possible endings.
Sold the black rock in the underworld.
Got drunk.
Donate enough gold to feed the hungry.
Found a hidden treasury.
Catch a forest spirit.
Befriend a forest animal.
Cast 500 ice spells.
Cast fire spells 500 or more times.
Slain 2000 or more enemies.
Feed the bone to the dogs.
Score over 9000 of damage in a single hit.
Steal more than 30 items.
Slain any demigod in the open world.
Win all fights in death pits.
Craft Morana's Potion.
Reach 100 in one attribute.
Slain priest guardian.
Slain all three Baba Yaga sisters.
Have a character with 15 or more talents.
Roll a divine tier of item.
Pek'tar gul'nath thok!
Collecting all other achievements is not what you are actually supposed to do.
Return the beer to the soldiers who stole the treasury.
Defeat 100 waves of Hell Pits.
Expansion: Devote 15 large shrines.
Expansion: Catch something while fishing 100 times.
Expansion: Complete 10 headhunt contracts.
Expansion: Plant 20 seeds in garden.
Expansion: Visit Koren Island.
Expansion: Defeat one of the demigods who are protecting the Order side.
Expansion: Write a poem in Bezdan.
Expansion: Slay the Goblin King.
Expansion: Visit the Pantheon of Oak.
Expansion: Reach the 5th game ending. (Ironman)
Expansion: Align yourself with the House of Faith, the House of Coin, or the Free People.
Expansion: Align yourself with the Horde, the Devourer, or the Goblin factions.
Expansion: Receive divine intervention in combat.
Expansion: Reach a Great relationship with one of the gods.
Expansion: Unlock one of the hidden dialogues with the old gods.
Expansion: Visit the First World.
Expansion: Try one of the two new expansion classes.
Expansion: Defeat a demigod from the First World.
Expansion: Conquer the world under the banner of a single faction.