• 84,667 Trophies Earned
  • 7,380 Players Tracked
  • 51 Total Trophies
  • 9,616 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 420 Platinum Club
  • 420 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all Trophies

    5.70% (423.00)
  • Complete the Tutorial

    74.20% (32.00)
  • Play online at least once

    39.89% (60.00)
  • Complete Easy or Normal mode

    35.23% (68.00)
  • Complete Hard mode

    9.25% (261.00)
  • Equip at least one Emblem to your profile

    60.16% (40.00)
  • Obtain 25% of all Collectibles

    19.17% (126.00)
  • Obtain 50% of all Collectibles

    12.10% (199.00)
  • Obtain all Collectibles

    7.75% (311.00)
  • Traverse a total of 32 miles

    45.57% (53.00)
  • Traverse a total of 150 miles

    11.19% (215.00)
  • Dismantle Charms 30 times

    8.24% (293.00)
  • Upgrade 30 Charm Effects

    7.87% (306.00)
  • Detonate 100 drum cans (including proximity mines)

    12.43% (194.00)
  • Disarm 30 time bombs

    11.57% (208.00)
  • Transport gold bars 30 times

    6.07% (397.00)
  • Transport 30 bags of money

    6.22% (388.00)
  • Transport 10 Chemical Weapons to a Portal

    7.89% (306.00)
  • Destroy 30 cameras and laser devices

    29.16% (83.00)
  • Transport 30 Krang Bombs to a portal

    6.23% (387.00)
  • Protect 30 ATM machines

    5.95% (405.00)
  • Protect 10 Pizza Trucks

    7.56% (319.00)
  • Destroy a rampaging car with a drum can

    14.92% (162.00)
  • Collect 10,000 Training Points

    64.74% (37.00)
  • Traverse 1 mile in the Residential Area without touching the ground

    19.78% (122.00)
  • Destroy a helicopter

    40.87% (59.00)
  • Activate the ceiling switch during the battle with Slash

    29.19% (83.00)
  • Climb to the highest point in Karai's stage and do a little dance

    15.58% (155.00)
  • Have all Turtles turn into zombies simultaneously by touching contaminated water

    39.86% (60.00)
  • Defeat 10 Stone Warriors with turrets in Wingnut's stage

    8.29% (291.00)
  • Find the secret room in the TCRI building

    26.02% (93.00)
  • Defeat the 4 Krangdroids with your conventional weapons in Mega Krang's stage

    10.76% (224.00)
  • Survive the elevator section at the TCRI building without taking any damage

    8.04% (300.00)
  • Defeat 5 enemies with 1 drum can

    21.17% (114.00)
  • Eat 100 pizzas

    10.85% (222.00)
  • Enter the Pizza Room during the snapshots when a boss is defeated

    23.02% (105.00)
  • Eat a pizza during the snapshots when a boss is defeated

    14.23% (169.00)
  • Have Mikey do his co-op move finishing pose during the snapshots when a boss is defeated

    11.33% (213.00)
  • Have everyone perform a Communication Action during the snapshots when a boss is defeated

    8.54% (282.00)
  • Defeat 5 enemies with both Turbo Mode and Berserk activated

    7.97% (303.00)
  • Use Turtle Switching to defeat 1 enemy with all 4 Turtles

    45.20% (53.00)
  • Defeat 5 enemies at once by blowing up a Foot Soldier carrying a bomb bag

    29.34% (82.00)
  • Experience all of the Krang UFOs' status effects

    35.03% (69.00)
  • Defeat a Secret Boss

    26.78% (90.00)
  • Use a Combo Attack to defeat 6 enemies at once

    54.15% (45.00)
  • Grind rails for 300 feet

    88.27% (27.00)
  • Complete a gold bar mission without the carrier being hit even once

    24.50% (98.00)
  • Complete a stage without being spotted once (outside of Missions)

    8.04% (300.00)
  • Hang out outside of an enemy hideout for at least 10 seconds

    16.15% (149.00)
  • Defeat Rocksteady and Bebop by letting them get run over by a train

    8.02% (301.00)
  • Use any character at least 50 times

    7.22% (334.00)