• 234,229 Trophies Earned
  • 53,011 Players Tracked
  • 31 Total Trophies
  • 34,547 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,320 Points
  • 341 Platinum Club
  • 341 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Collect all trophies.

    0.64% (4151.00)
  • Complete a match.

    84.09% (32.00)
  • Use the replay system.

    27.85% (95.00)
  • Purchase your first equipment item.

    11.38% (233.00)
  • Hit 15 winners in a set.

    33.89% (78.00)
  • Open your first booster skill card pack.

    7.25% (366.00)
  • Complete 5 objectives.

    14.80% (180.00)
  • Complete a doubles match.

    12.20% (218.00)
  • Create a new player and use them in career.

    61.09% (43.00)
  • Have your opponent hit more than 20 unforced errors in a match.

    28.57% (93.00)
  • Don't hit a serve into the net for an entire match.

    73.12% (36.00)
  • Win an online match.

    14.41% (184.00)
  • Activate a skill card mid-rally and win the point.

    6.14% (433.00)
  • Win a match on each court surface type.

    3.52% (755.00)
  • Win 25 points from volleys in a single match.

    2.33% (1140.00)
  • Win an exhibition match in career.

    17.57% (151.00)
  • Win a 5 set match.

    5.61% (474.00)
  • Win 200 points playing as a Female player.

    1.26% (2109.00)
  • Successfully defend 25 break points as a Male player.

    3.64% (730.00)
  • Win a 5 star tournament in career.

    2.04% (1302.00)
  • Have a collection of over 100 skill cards.

    2.47% (1076.00)
  • Purchase all equipment.

    0.67% (3965.00)
  • Break into the top 100 rankings in career mode.

    3.85% (690.00)
  • Reach 100% progress in the Tennis School.

    0.80% (3321.00)
  • Get promoted in online seasons.

    2.49% (1067.00)
  • Win all the 5 star tournaments in a single year in career.

    1.16% (2290.00)
  • Earn a total of 50,000 coins in Career mode.

    1.23% (2160.00)
  • Become world no.1 in career.

    1.27% (2092.00)
  • Travel 40,075 km or 24,901 miles in career.

    14.20% (187.00)
  • Reach the highest overall skill value for your player in career.

    0.86% (3089.00)
  • Win a custom tournament on the hardest difficulty.

    1.47% (1807.00)