• 125,880 Trophies Earned
  • 5,906 Players Tracked
  • 22 Total Trophies
  • 44 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 5,580 Platinum Club
  • 5,521 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Gain all other trophies

    94.80% (2.00)
  • Complete the 1st world

    100.00% (2.00)
  • Complete the 2nd world

    97.61% (2.00)
  • Complete the 3rd world

    95.70% (2.00)
  • Complete the 4th world

    95.24% (2.00)
  • Complete the 5th world

    94.97% (2.00)
  • Complete the 6th world

    94.87% (2.00)
  • Get a quarter of the stars

    97.58% (2.00)
  • Get half the stars

    95.23% (2.00)
  • Get first cup

    100.00% (2.00)
  • Get a quarter of the cups

    97.07% (2.00)
  • Get half the cups

    95.14% (2.00)
  • Save at least 10 Tetras (sum)

    100.00% (2.00)
  • Save at least 100 Tetras (sum)

    95.48% (2.00)
  • Save at least 200 Tetras (sum)

    94.99% (2.00)
  • Walks over 1000 boxes (sum)

    98.81% (2.00)
  • Walks over 2500 boxes (sum)

    95.61% (2.00)
  • First transformation into tetromino

    100.00% (2.00)
  • Dead by fall before level explanation

    96.44% (2.00)
  • Change all Tetras in a level into tetrominos and lose...

    97.83% (2.00)
  • Complete a level without any stars

    95.45% (2.00)
  • Burn all tetras in the same level

    94.92% (2.00)