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On Jul 12, 2075, a rare homicide occurs off the coast of Grimsey Iceland. It's a case involving revenge and ambiguous loss - when a friend or family member has gone missing. But this case is just the start...

You'll play as a Remote Forensics Investigator who solves cases in a Nanodeck - a place where crime scenes are reconstructed to the smallest detail.

Start with a seemingly straightforward case. As you investigate you'll discover there's much more to this case than meets the eye - evidence going back hundreds of years, Norse legends and folklore, failed relationships, abused technologies, and more. Dive deeper and figure out why hundreds of people have disappeared in Iceland without a trace in the last 150 years. Most at sea.


Because this case takes place in a challenging environment, the Remote Forensics Bureau has created LAWD. A highly capable Land, Air, and Water Drone capable of investigating above and below water day and night. You'll pilot LAWD throughout your investigation.

Crime Scenes

There are four unique crime scenes. For each, you'll need to find the Perpetrator, Motive, and Weapon or Instrument.


Potential perpetrators, or persons of interest, are discovered through hacking smartphones, listening to audio fragments, and viewing Biotraces. Anyone can be a suspect.


Motives and intentions are discovered in the same way but through conversations, text, email, and other similar ways. Some individuals may be expressing emotions while others may have real intent. Some individuals may even be disguising their motives. It's up to you to decide.

Weapon or Instrument

Potential weapons are physical evidence, which can be found throughout the crime scene. Inspecting an object will reveal forensic evidence, which may link to other pieces of physical evidence, and eventually to a person. As you investigate more, the forensic evidence and links will become stronger. Following this trail in the Mind Map can reveal the connections and paths a person has taken.

Finalize Investigation

Once everything is pieced together, you'll recommend charges to the District Attorney. You'll be presented with headlines of how your investigation was concluded and how your charges affected the people involved. You'll also receive a grade on your investigative efforts.