• 9,828 Achievements Earned
  • 1,126 Players Tracked
  • 35 Total Achievements
  • 42,280 Obtainable EXP
  • 5 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Use Adam

    78.69% (32.00)
  • Eve

    Use Eve

    40.23% (63.00)
  • Grab the Cyclops’ GLIDER

    80.11% (32.00)
  • Grab the Scientist’s GLIDER

    35.88% (71.00)
  • Grab the God’s GLIDER

    32.86% (78.00)
  • Grab the Sniper’s GLIDER

    31.71% (81.00)
  • Destroy the Guardian

    27.53% (93.00)
  • Save the AI

    26.64% (96.00)
  • Finish without ever dying

    0.62% (4118.00)
  • Finish the second run

    0.53% (4817.00)
  • Finish the third run

    0.53% (4817.00)
  • Find all available items

    2.58% (990.00)
  • Find all GLIDER fragments

    1.69% (1511.00)
  • End the game at 100%

    0.53% (4817.00)
  • Teleport to ship

    43.52% (59.00)
  • Reach the Castle with the ship

    2.40% (1064.00)
  • Crash the ship before reaching the Castle

    28.06% (91.00)
  • Kill the Kranker

    23.09% (111.00)
  • Make the Kranker happy

    3.37% (758.00)
  • Kill the Scientist and his Wife

    18.38% (139.00)
  • Outrun the sniper

    1.78% (1434.00)
  • Kill the God with your fists

    2.75% (928.00)
  • end the intro within 19.87 moments

    0.80% (3191.00)
  • end game within 300.00 moments

    0.53% (4817.00)
  • Find the hammer

    41.47% (62.00)
  • Find the axe

    47.69% (54.00)
  • Find the mace

    25.13% (102.00)
  • Gun

    Find the gun

    95.83% (27.00)
  • Find the machine gun

    37.92% (67.00)
  • Find the shotgun

    37.12% (69.00)
  • Find the double barrel shotgun

    59.15% (43.00)
  • Find the Sword

    18.29% (140.00)
  • Find the Grenades

    23.36% (109.00)
  • Unplug your friend

    1.60% (1596.00)
  • Unlock all achievements

    0.44% (5803.00)