• 1,188,323 Trophies Earned
  • 151,587 Players Tracked
  • 38 Total Trophies
  • 17,272 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,320 Points
  • 3,336 Platinum Club
  • 3,331 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all trophies

    2.20% (1632.00)
  • Sleep with another player (group sleep)

    91.76% (39.00)
  • In a Single Player game, kill a bunny

    31.24% (115.00)
  • Make and wear stealth armour

    50.96% (70.00)
  • Share a food or drink item in MP

    63.58% (56.00)
  • In a Single Player game, kill a bird with an arrow

    18.76% (191.00)
  • Sleep on yacht

    55.58% (65.00)
  • Use the compass

    60.12% (60.00)
  • Plant all 3 seed types

    20.28% (177.00)
  • In a Single Player game, destroy 6 or more trees with 1 explosive

    7.62% (471.00)
  • Catch a fish with a spear

    61.21% (59.00)
  • Build a gazebo in a Single Player game

    10.93% (328.00)
  • Chop up 50 bodies

    8.30% (433.00)
  • Revive 10 co-op players

    19.47% (184.00)
  • Share a weapon in MP

    32.88% (109.00)
  • Finish Game

    32.13% (112.00)
  • Craft 10 medicine items

    5.99% (599.00)
  • Buy a soda and candy from vending machine

    40.35% (89.00)
  • Drink from coffee machine

    38.59% (93.00)
  • In a Single Player game, repair a hunting shelter

    7.91% (454.00)
  • Collect all cassette tapes!

    13.35% (269.00)
  • Eat an entire family

    5.93% (605.00)
  • Be in a game when 6 or more fish are killed with a stick of dynamite

    11.22% (320.00)
  • Place a blueprint for a super long wall

    12.75% (282.00)
  • In a Single Player game, set off the sprinklers

    5.75% (624.00)
  • Killed downed enemy with rock

    11.08% (324.00)
  • Cut down 1000 trees

    2.89% (1242.00)
  • Collect all robot pieces

    9.57% (375.00)
  • Kill shark in Single Player

    4.30% (835.00)
  • Eat all mushroom types

    6.22% (577.00)
  • Drink water from cooler that has the lawyer head in it

    11.50% (312.00)
  • Survive 100 days without finding your son

    3.18% (1129.00)
  • Pass 50,000 steps

    5.34% (672.00)
  • Play through entire game without killing or eating animals

    4.81% (746.00)
  • Craft all items

    5.04% (712.00)
  • Explore all caves

    3.86% (930.00)
  • Kill all animal types and display heads

    3.69% (973.00)
  • Find all missing passengers

    3.56% (1009.00)