• 12 Achievements Earned
  • 7 Players Tracked
  • 6 Total Achievements
  • 4,986 Obtainable EXP
  • 0 100% Club

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Store Description

About The Game

Players are divided into two teams. The props are trying to hide for as long as possible without the hunters finding them.

Currently, there are five maps, each with unique props that can be used.
The default match is five minutes long, and props have 15 seconds to hide. Players can always edit time settings before starting the match.

You can change the physical appearance to props that can be found on the map.
Tries to hide for as long as possible.
You can always use special abilities to escape from a situation and bring hunters closer, which could make the match more interesting.

Tries to find all props before time runs out.
One random player is chosen before the match starts.
When a prop is eliminated, it joins the hunters' team.