• 4,842 Trophies Earned
  • 863 Players Tracked
  • 38 Total Trophies
  • 13,718 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,290 Points
  • 28 Platinum Club
  • 28 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Get all Trophies

    3.24% (762.00)
  • Advance to the Agitator checkpoint in Ranked

    7.18% (344.00)
  • Advance to the Rabble Rouser checkpoint in Ranked

    5.56% (444.00)
  • Advance to the Militant checkpoint in Ranked

    4.87% (507.00)
  • Advance to the Firebrand checkpoint in Ranked

    4.40% (561.00)
  • Advance to the Hero of the Hungry checkpoint in Ranked

    4.29% (576.00)
  • Advance to the Great Provider checkpoint in Ranked

    3.94% (627.00)
  • Advance to the Fury of the Feast checkpoint in Ranked

    3.94% (627.00)
  • Win 100 matches in Ranked

    3.94% (627.00)
  • Complete "To the Ends"

    35.34% (70.00)
  • Complete "The Hungry Face a Stiff Wind"

    14.14% (175.00)
  • Complete "What Might Be"

    7.30% (338.00)
  • Complete "Victors Will Feast"

    5.21% (474.00)
  • Complete all Heroic Objectives

    3.94% (627.00)
  • Complete the Heroic Objective in "Bonepit Riots"

    99.19% (25.00)
  • Complete the Heroic Objective in "Black Sledge Uprising"

    74.74% (33.00)
  • Complete the Heroic Objective in "46 South Dockside"

    51.33% (48.00)
  • Complete the Heroic Objective in "Fuel of the Firebrand"

    46.12% (54.00)
  • Complete the Heroic Objective in "Hollow in the Gut"

    15.53% (159.00)
  • Complete the Heroic Objective in "To the Ends"

    19.35% (128.00)
  • Complete the Heroic Objective in "Snikaree Liberation"

    12.05% (205.00)
  • Complete the Heroic Objective in "The Siege of Ragfall Road"

    15.87% (156.00)
  • Complete the Heroic Objective in "The Sand Kiln at Levacaloo"

    14.48% (171.00)
  • Complete the Heroic Objective in "Scrapetown Cutpurse"

    13.79% (179.00)
  • Complete the Heroic Objective in "Scrapetown Racket"

    8.57% (288.00)
  • Complete the Heroic Objective in "The Hungry Face a Stiff Wind"

    11.12% (222.00)
  • Complete the Heroic Objective in "Frozen in Noe"

    9.73% (254.00)
  • Complete the Heroic Objective in "Howling Vell"

    6.49% (381.00)
  • Complete the Heroic Objective in "Defense of the Cold Mark Lows"

    7.53% (328.00)
  • Complete the Heroic Objective in "Betrayal at Vacancee"

    7.07% (349.00)
  • Complete the Heroic Objective in "The War For Meat"

    6.37% (388.00)
  • Complete the Heroic Objective in "What Might Be"

    5.10% (484.00)
  • Complete the Heroic Objective in "Bonepit Exile"

    5.10% (484.00)
  • Complete the Heroic Objective in "Awash in Solawa"

    6.37% (388.00)
  • Complete the Heroic Objective in "Vacancee Downfall"

    4.98% (496.00)
  • Complete the Heroic Objective in "Sage Marro Speaks"

    4.75% (520.00)
  • Complete the Heroic Objective in "Swine, Inscribed"

    4.17% (592.00)
  • Complete the Heroic Objective in "Victors Will Feast"

    3.94% (627.00)