• 25,967 Trophies Earned
  • 1,603 Players Tracked
  • 30 Total Trophies
  • 2,556 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,275 Points
  • 476 Platinum Club
  • 476 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all trophies

    29.69% (150.00)
  • Escape with Anna

    45.98% (97.00)
  • Complete the game

    50.97% (87.00)
  • Collect all of Maria's diary entries

    46.79% (95.00)
  • Collect all of William's diary entries

    45.54% (98.00)
  • Collect all of Bertram's diary entries

    44.54% (100.00)
  • Collect all of Anna's diary entries

    48.60% (92.00)
  • Complete the game without using any health items

    30.44% (146.00)
  • Let the shadows consume you

    63.19% (71.00)
  • Travel to the past

    58.70% (76.00)
  • Solve all the combination key puzzles

    56.89% (78.00)
  • Escape from the bathroom

    99.94% (1.00)
  • Escape the infinite room

    52.65% (85.00)
  • Complete the game in under three hours

    30.82% (145.00)
  • Kill an enemy using a trap

    49.84% (89.00)
  • Complete the game without saving

    30.63% (146.00)
  • Save the game

    91.58% (2.00)
  • Create the shotgun

    62.51% (71.00)
  • Pick up five first aid kits

    54.34% (82.00)
  • Save only yourself

    37.06% (120.00)
  • Start the generator

    86.59% (2.00)
  • Find your old hiding place

    52.09% (86.00)
  • Open the vault

    52.03% (86.00)
  • Activate the door to the operation area

    62.82% (71.00)
  • Reattach a limb

    56.77% (79.00)
  • Start the pump

    51.47% (87.00)
  • Locate Anna

    58.45% (76.00)
  • Unlock the door under the hall stairs

    53.52% (83.00)
  • Kill 40 enemies

    55.83% (80.00)
  • Kill 20 enemies

    59.64% (75.00)