• 117,420 Trophies Earned
  • 18,901 Players Tracked
  • 13 Total Trophies
  • 7,234 Obtainable EXP
  • 315 Points
  • 0 Platinum Club
  • 1,240 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Score 1000000 point during one round.

    57.93% (302.00)
  • Earn enough experience to level up.

    99.25% (14.00)
  • Get 25 Crystals from one combo.

    28.07% (624.00)
  • Destroy 100000 tokens.

    36.52% (479.00)
  • Make a match worth 10000 points.

    85.42% (16.00)
  • Use Score Frenzy 100 times.

    61.42% (285.00)
  • Reach 10x points multiplier.

    40.54% (432.00)
  • Earn no Crystals during the round.

    74.34% (236.00)
  • Win 250000 Crystals in daily bonus minigame.

    29.35% (597.00)
  • Spend 100 hours playing.

    8.68% (2017.00)
  • Get all bonuses, totems and slots upgraded to maximum level.

    32.24% (543.00)
  • Activate Dark Mode 10 times.

    54.67% (320.00)
  • Destroy every token present on game board.

    12.79% (1369.00)