• 5,496 Achievements Earned
  • 709 Players Tracked
  • 19 Total Achievements
  • 9,529 Obtainable EXP
  • 40 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Be a tree for 5 minutes, you can now review being a tree.

    91.11% (7.00)
  • You have achieved true inner peace.

    57.69% (211.00)
  • This is not a joke to you, you are the tree.

    51.48% (237.00)
  • You are now a tree forever.

    44.43% (275.00)
  • You are now qualified to teach others about trees.

    37.94% (322.00)
  • You are the tree master chief leans on.

    16.36% (746.00)
  • Some say the tree is not mightier than the storm, but the tree is the storm.

    15.09% (808.00)
  • Humans speculate on your age, they try to study you but you give them splinters and they die.

    12.98% (940.00)
  • You can now go outside and t-pose in public as a tree repeating the phrase "Tree" over and over.

    9.03% (1351.00)
  • Do you even tree bro? You have bragging rights, other trees cannot compete.

    5.78% (2111.00)
  • 1 is now 2 and the forest grows.

    59.80% (204.00)
  • You and your friends will be trees forever.

    41.33% (295.00)
  • Your forest is great and will spread far and wide.

    34.98% (349.00)
  • You sure know a lot of trees.

    32.30% (378.00)
  • I am one with the forest, the forest is with me.

    30.75% (397.00)
  • The forest is now complete and will go on forever.

    26.94% (453.00)
  • Trees love red ties.

    95.63% (7.00)
  • The other trees will never believe you.

    58.25% (209.00)
  • Don't fall down!

    53.31% (229.00)