• 58,945 Trophies Earned
  • 6,155 Players Tracked
  • 54 Total Trophies
  • 11,266 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,650 Points
  • 501 Platinum Club
  • 235 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Collect all the Trophies.

    8.14% (305.00)
  • Get Grade B or better on all Diploma and Graduation tracks.

    17.45% (142.00)
  • Get Grade A+ on all the University of Trials tracks.

    12.07% (206.00)
  • Reach Fame level 50.

    51.23% (48.00)
  • Find your first Squirrel collectible.

    64.66% (38.00)
  • Get your first Platinum medal on a track.

    57.86% (43.00)
  • Beat all the Stadium Finals.

    18.38% (135.00)
  • Land on the stretchers in the UK Up track.

    19.12% (130.00)
  • Beat any of the Monster Mash races using the Squid.

    14.93% (166.00)
  • Turn off the lights in Wheels of Steel and finish the track in the dark.

    21.56% (115.00)
  • Bailout at the top of the ski jump tower in The Flying Finn and make it all the way to the finish line.

    19.85% (125.00)
  • Beat the legendary rider Martin King in Highland Fling Stadium Final

    49.83% (50.00)
  • Get your first Diamond medal on a track.

    15.45% (161.00)
  • Find the Ubisoft RedLynx and Ubisoft Kyiv offices on the world map.

    21.19% (117.00)
  • Beat the Grand Finale track.

    17.94% (138.00)
  • Find 30 Squirrel collectibles.

    16.20% (153.00)
  • Beat the Stonehenge track on the Tandem bike with zero faults.

    9.41% (264.00)
  • Find the Diamond Squirrel collectible.

    13.19% (188.00)
  • Perform a 100 meter wheelie on any career track.

    11.50% (216.00)
  • Fly through all the fire rings, and reach the remote island in the Wingman track.

    13.53% (184.00)
  • Win a Stadium Final without ever losing 1st place during the races.

    48.58% (51.00)
  • Perform a 10 second endo on any career track.

    21.48% (116.00)
  • Jump through the ring of fire in the Braking Bad track.

    21.77% (114.00)
  • On a zero fault run, on an extreme track, fault after the last checkpoint before the finish line.

    11.71% (212.00)
  • Perform a slam dunk on Ever, Everer, Everest.

    14.64% (170.00)
  • Finish the Frozen Fjord track as the snowman with zero faults.

    17.34% (143.00)
  • Find the hidden moose in the UK Upper track.

    14.28% (174.00)
  • Perform 7 flips in one jump, and land successfully.

    21.09% (118.00)
  • Finish a track with zero faults without leaning.

    16.26% (153.00)
  • Beat any Hard track with the Helium with zero faults.

    16.23% (153.00)
  • Unlock all the sponsors.

    9.65% (257.00)
  • Perform a 10 second wheelie on top of the portable toilet in the Inferno V track.

    9.33% (266.00)
  • Get a Gold medal or better in all the career tracks from World Map, including R.A.C.E. league.

    10.40% (239.00)
  • Beat any Extreme track with zero faults.

    11.37% (219.00)
  • Beat any Ninja track.

    11.10% (224.00)
  • Get a Gold medal or better on all Skill Game tracks.

    8.77% (283.00)
  • Get Grade A or better on all Trials 101 tracks.

    64.16% (39.00)

Trials Rising™: Sixty Six DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Beat all the Stadium Finals in Sixty Six

    16.00% (155.00)
  • Get a Gold medal or better in all the career tracks from Sixty Six, including Extreme tracks

    6.27% (396.00)
  • Get your first Diamond medal on any Sixty Six track

    4.74% (524.00)
  • Find 14 Squirrel collectibles in Sixty Six tracks

    8.46% (294.00)
  • Travel to a different reality of "Ghost Town"

    10.61% (234.00)
  • Navigate the underground caves of "The Petrified Forest"

    11.10% (224.00)
  • Brave the burning building in "The Windy City"

    11.49% (216.00)
  • Travel 15 miles through the Sixty Six tracks

    19.98% (124.00)

Trials Rising™: Crash & Sunburn DLC trophies

Earned Date