• 313 Achievements Earned
  • 39 Players Tracked
  • 50 Total Achievements
  • 15,799 Obtainable EXP
  • 1 100% Club

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Store Description

Randomized runs

New runs get a random seed that changes the experience each time you play, adapt your strategy as you go!

Get cards by taking classes

Each subject in a semester contains unique cards. Planning in what order to take your classes is important to defeat projects.

Build a deck to battle against projects

Each project presents a unique challenge for you to overcome, and the last project remaining in a semester will become harder to defeat. Knowing which subject is better to leave for last is vital to complete semesters.

Remember and forget cards

Create unexpected card combos during battles via the remember and forget mechanics. Remember random cards from your deck using energy and forget a specific card from your hand for a chance to get energy back!

Manage the stress of college life

You will accumulate stress during your battles with projects, potentially collapsing and suffering stress damage. Look for ways of minimizing or utilizing stress build up in your decks. Don't worry too much tough, you'll get a free vacational period each semester :O

Complete all semesters to graduate

Choose between different rewards to customize your runs after completing a semester, including a character class specialization! But beware, failing combats consume your opportunities, eventually getting you expelled.


  • 100+ unique cards between 3 card archetypes.
  • 20+ unique projects to battle among 6 semesters.
  • 15+ unique semester rewards, including 2 character class specializations.
  • 4 extra game modes to test your mastery of the game and tinker with different decks.