• 5,815,048 Trophies Earned
  • 227,900 Players Tracked
  • 105 Total Trophies
  • 22,773 Obtainable EXP
  • 2,310 Points
  • 43,989 Platinum Club
  • 2,739 100% Club
Earned Date

Flashback 1 DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Win a Plunder game without letting the opposing team score (5-0)

    3.45% (257.00)
  • Win 50 matches of Elimination

    1.76% (503.00)
  • Complete a Co-op Adventure Map on Crushing Difficulty without losing a single life

    2.05% (432.00)
  • Kill the three end bosses in Chapter 5 (Harry Flynn, Eddy Raja, Zoran Lazarevic) within 20 seconds of each other on Hard

    2.02% (438.00)
  • Get 25 Return To Sender Medals

    1.65% (536.00)
  • Get the Curator Medal while on Hard Difficulty

    1.69% (524.00)
  • Get 50 Retaliation Medals

    4.12% (215.00)
  • Get 50 Expansionist Medals

    2.12% (418.00)
  • Get 50 In Your Face Medals

    1.80% (492.00)
  • Get 50 Fisticuffs Medals

    2.68% (330.00)

Fort Coop DLC trophies

Earned Date

Flashback 2 DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Complete a Co-op Arena Map on Crushing Difficulty without losing a single life

    2.02% (438.00)
  • Win 50 matches of Three Team Deathmatch

    1.85% (478.00)
  • Complete the Antiquity Treasure Set

    1.40% (632.00)
  • Get 50 High Five Medals

    2.14% (414.00)
  • Get 50 Frag ‘Em Medals

    2.46% (360.00)
  • Get 50 Power Killer Medals

    2.60% (340.00)
  • Get 25 Here, Hold This Medals

    2.10% (421.00)
  • Get 10 Mad Bomber Medals

    2.16% (410.00)
  • Get 25 If It Bleeds… Medals

    2.13% (416.00)
  • Get 100 In The Soft Spot Medals

    1.95% (454.00)

Shades DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Win 50 matches of Plunder

    1.81% (489.00)
  • Get the Curator Medal while on Crushing Difficulty

    1.50% (590.00)
  • Get the Unyielding Medal while on Crushing Difficulty

    1.84% (481.00)
  • Complete a Co-op Arena Map on Hard Difficulty without losing a single life

    2.58% (343.00)
  • Get 50 Lights Out Medals

    1.92% (461.00)
  • Get 150 In The Shade Medals

    1.74% (509.00)
  • Get 150 Shade Survivalist Medals

    1.76% (503.00)
  • Get 25 Executioner Medals

    2.52% (351.00)
  • Get 50 Head Hunter Medals

    1.81% (489.00)
  • Get 50 None Shall Pass Medals

    1.65% (536.00)

U3 Maps DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Kill the three end bosses in Chapter 5 (Harry Flynn, Eddy Raja, Zoran Lazarevic) within 20 seconds of each other on Crushing

    1.71% (518.00)
  • Win 50 matches of TDM

    2.88% (307.00)
  • Get 3 Hang In There Medals while on Crushing Difficulty

    1.96% (452.00)
  • Complete a Co-op Adventure Map on Hard Difficulty without losing a single life

    2.43% (364.00)
  • Get 50 Assassin Medals

    1.60% (553.00)
  • Get 50 Three Medal Pickup Medals

    4.33% (204.00)
  • Get 50 Commando Medals

    4.04% (219.00)
  • Get 50 Double Down Medals

    3.55% (249.00)
  • Get 50 Head Cracker Medals

    2.31% (383.00)
  • Get the Unyielding Medal while on Hard Difficulty

    2.18% (406.00)