• 168,063 Achievements Earned
  • 34,253 Players Tracked
  • 16 Total Achievements
  • 15,107 Obtainable EXP
  • 837 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Start Universe Sandbox at least once

    99.86% (80.00)
  • Start Universe Sandbox 10^1 = 10 times

    31.03% (257.00)
  • Start Universe Sandbox 10^2 = 100 times

    5.87% (1359.00)
  • Start Universe Sandbox 10^3 = 1000 times

    4.30% (1855.00)
  • Start Universe Sandbox 10^4 = 10000 times

    3.45% (2312.00)
  • Rule over your universe for 60 seconds

    99.33% (80.00)
  • Rule over your universe for 60 minutes

    54.89% (145.00)
  • Rule over your universe for 24 hours

    6.20% (1286.00)
  • Rule over your universe for 30.4 days

    3.39% (2352.00)
  • Rule over your universe for 12 months

    2.76% (2889.00)
  • Some will know from their childhood; some were not born yet

    15.58% (512.00)
  • Finish five tutorials

    29.82% (267.00)
  • Capture 100 screenshots

    9.68% (824.00)
  • Crash the Earth into the Sun

    40.98% (195.00)
  • Freeze the Earth by moving it farther from the Sun

    69.78% (114.00)
  • Result of millions of years of computation

    13.74% (580.00)