• 5,343 Trophies Earned
  • 679 Players Tracked
  • 12 Total Trophies
  • 1,482 Obtainable EXP
  • 300 Points
  • 0 Platinum Club
  • 295 100% Club

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Store Description

Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York presents the conflict between two vampiric factions: the traditionalist Camarilla and the fiercely independent Anarchs. It's a unique, atmospheric, single-player narrative experience, set in the rich universe of Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition.

- Choose one of three pre-defined characters and play as a Ventrue, Toreador or Brujah
- Each playable character offers a selection of powers (Disciplines), different ethical approaches to certain issues, and unique dialogue lines
- Character-oriented quests allow you to meet four unique NPCs: a Tremere sorcerer, a Nosferatu detective, a Gangrel of conflicted loyalties and a Malkavian multifoliate online personality with their own agendas. Win their hearts and minds and up to two of them will assist you in the finale
- Depending on your choice of the Clan you will be able to see the events from a distinct perspective. One playthrough is not enough to see all the game has to offer!