• 1,785 Achievements Earned
  • 293 Players Tracked
  • 30 Total Achievements
  • 48,500 Obtainable EXP
  • 0 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Race your first time trial on any track

    38.57% (203.00)
  • Create or join multiplayer session

    43.00% (182.00)
  • Do your first event race

    26.62% (295.00)
  • Drive 3 car classes in any racing mode

    33.79% (232.00)
  • Do a practice race with racing procedure

    48.12% (163.00)
  • Switch to any different track 10 times

    53.92% (146.00)
  • Build a new car from scratch

    65.87% (119.00)
  • Win first multiplayer session (minimum 3 racers)

    7.85% (1000.00)
  • Win multiplayer race 3 times in a row (minimum 3 racers)

    4.44% (1767.00)
  • Host session with at least 5 players and complete race procedure within it

    9.22% (851.00)
  • Participate in at least 5 multiplayer sessions

    9.56% (821.00)
  • Participate in at least 25 multiplayer sessions

    2.73% (2874.00)
  • Participate in at least 50 multiplayer sessions

    1.71% (4589.00)
  • Win 10 multiplayer sessions (minimum 3 racers)

    3.07% (2556.00)
  • Drive at least 100 km in total

    28.67% (274.00)
  • Drive at least 500 km in total

    8.53% (920.00)
  • Drive at least 1000 km in total

    5.12% (1533.00)
  • Drive at least 2500 km in total

    2.05% (3828.00)
  • Drive at least 5000 km in total

    0.34% (23080.00)
  • Drive at least 10000 km in total

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Drive 25 consecutive laps without incidents in any racing mode

    21.16% (371.00)
  • Run 5 successive laps within a quarter of a second of each other (at min. 70% of track record). At least a total of 200 results with same car class must first be uploaded to the server before for a 'real' track record lap time is established

    16.38% (479.00)
  • Do a laptime which equals 75% of the current official track record (in any race mode, per track, per car class). At least a total of 200 results with same car class must first be uploaded to the server before for a 'real' track record lap time is established

    63.48% (124.00)
  • Do a laptime which equals 80% of the current official track record (in any race mode, per track, per car class). At least a total of 200 results with same car class must first be uploaded to the server before for a 'real' track record lap time is established

    52.22% (150.00)
  • Do a laptime which equals 85% of the current official track record (in any race mode, per track, per car class). At least a total of 200 results with same car class must first be uploaded to the server before for a 'real' track record lap time is established

    35.84% (219.00)
  • Do a laptime which equals 90% of the current official track record (in any race mode, per track, per car class). At least a total of 200 results with same car class must first be uploaded to the server before for a 'real' track record lap time is established

    21.16% (371.00)
  • Do a laptime which equals 95% of the current official track record (in any race mode, per track, per car class). At least a total of 200 results with same car class must first be uploaded to the server before for a 'real' track record lap time is established

    5.80% (1353.00)
  • Achieve the best time trial day record (minimum 20 available time trials)

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Achieve the best time trial week record (minimum 20 available time trials)

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Achieve the best time trial month record (minimum 20 available time trials)

    0.00% (0.00)