• 47,080 Trophies Earned
  • 2,091 Players Tracked
  • 55 Total Trophies
  • 18,210 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 42 Platinum Club
  • 42 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Obtain all Wanted: Dead trophies.

    2.01% (2075.00)
  • Clear the game on all difficulties and view the ending.

    3.78% (1104.00)
  • See all Finishing Strikes.

    2.68% (1557.00)
  • Defeat 1000 enemies only using melee attacks.

    3.54% (1178.00)
  • Defeat 1000 enemies only using guns.

    3.44% (1213.00)
  • Unlock all skills in the Skill Tree.

    32.47% (128.00)
  • Obtain all collectibles.

    7.22% (578.00)
  • Obtain all Memories movies.

    9.18% (454.00)
  • Mini-game: Obtain all figures from the Crane Game.

    13.30% (314.00)
  • Mini-game: Obtain a full combo in any Ramen song.

    2.77% (1506.00)
  • Successfully perform 100 parries.

    29.08% (143.00)
  • Successfully perform 100 handgun counters.

    18.84% (221.00)
  • Mini-game: Clear Space Runaway on Hard Mode.

    2.44% (1710.00)
  • Clear a stage without using healing items.

    7.27% (574.00)
  • Clear the tutorial.

    96.60% (43.00)
  • Clear the Dauer HQ stage.

    56.96% (73.00)
  • Clear the Park stage.

    41.89% (100.00)
  • Clear the Club Deaf Panther stage.

    35.58% (117.00)
  • Clear the Police HQ stage.

    30.56% (137.00)
  • Clear the Kowloon Streets stage.

    25.78% (162.00)
  • See a Finishing Strike.

    92.44% (45.00)
  • See 20 different Finishing Strikes.

    48.64% (86.00)
  • Defeat an enemy by headshot.

    95.98% (43.00)
  • Defeat 10 enemies by headshot.

    74.46% (56.00)
  • Defeat 3 or more enemies with an Incediary Grenade.

    17.74% (235.00)
  • Defeat 2 or more enemies with a Frag Grenade.

    67.58% (62.00)
  • Sever an enemy limb for the first time.

    99.00% (42.00)
  • Sever 100 enemy limbs.

    63.89% (65.00)
  • Defeat 10 enemies only using melee attacks.

    83.26% (50.00)
  • Defeat 100 enemies only using melee attacks.

    43.28% (96.00)
  • Defeat 10 enemies only using guns.

    84.51% (49.00)
  • Defeat 100 enemies only using guns.

    37.21% (112.00)
  • Defeat 10 enemies using sliding fire.

    7.94% (525.00)
  • Defeat 10 enemies only using your handgun.

    29.79% (140.00)
  • Unlock a skill for the first time.

    96.94% (43.00)
  • Unlock 10 skills.

    55.24% (76.00)
  • Obtain a collectible.

    97.47% (43.00)
  • Obtain 10 collectibles.

    56.00% (74.00)
  • Change the jukebox track for the first time.

    41.61% (100.00)
  • Successfully perform 10 parries.

    60.35% (69.00)
  • Successfully perform 10 handgun counters.

    64.32% (65.00)
  • Mini-game: Get a score of 13,000 or more in the Shooting Range.

    23.34% (179.00)
  • Mini-game: Eat more than 5 servings of ramen in a row.

    8.85% (471.00)
  • Mini-game: Max out the Adrenaline Gauge in Karaoke.

    19.85% (210.00)
  • Mini-game: Clear Space Runaway on Normal Mode.

    5.02% (831.00)
  • Mini-game: Get a score of 10,000 or more in Shooting Range Time Attack.

    37.97% (110.00)
  • Mini-game: Get a score of 10,000 or more in Shooting Range Score Attack.

    25.63% (163.00)
  • Clear Training Level 1.

    35.77% (117.00)
  • Clear Training Level 2.

    33.19% (126.00)
  • Clear Training Level 3.

    32.14% (130.00)
  • Clear Training Level 4.

    30.03% (139.00)
  • Activate sprinklers for the first time.

    83.21% (50.00)
  • Hit 3 or more targets when in Bullet Time.

    65.90% (63.00)
  • Kick the Crane Game until it displays ERROR.

    47.63% (88.00)
  • Defeat 10 enemies using the chainsaw.

    59.97% (70.00)