• 151,523 Achievements Earned
  • 13,086 Players Tracked
  • 142 Total Achievements
  • 35,782 Obtainable EXP
  • 44 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Complete level 1

    94.93% (9.00)
  • Complete level 2

    82.90% (11.00)
  • Complete level 3

    63.27% (14.00)
  • Complete level 4

    51.48% (17.00)
  • Complete level 5

    41.48% (21.00)
  • Complete level 6

    36.13% (24.00)
  • Complete level 7

    31.03% (28.00)
  • Complete level 8

    28.43% (30.00)
  • Complete level 9

    24.66% (35.00)
  • Complete level 10

    23.07% (37.00)
  • Complete level 11

    19.85% (42.00)
  • Complete level 12

    17.35% (48.00)
  • Complete level 13

    16.25% (51.00)
  • Complete level 1 in 5 minutes

    18.34% (46.00)
  • Complete level 2 in 10 minutes

    5.67% (133.00)
  • Complete level 3 in 16 minutes

    4.32% (167.00)
  • Complete level 4 in 18 minutes

    2.64% (243.00)
  • Complete level 5 in 18 minutes

    8.48% (93.00)
  • Complete level 6 in 30 minutes

    2.71% (239.00)
  • Complete level 7 in 35 minutes

    3.86% (182.00)
  • Complete level 8 in 10 minutes

    3.21% (210.00)
  • Complete level 9 in 38 minutes

    7.48% (104.00)
  • Complete level 10 in 30 minutes

    1.89% (307.00)
  • Complete level 11 in 10 minutes

    3.66% (190.00)
  • Complete level 12 in 50 minutes

    3.63% (191.00)
  • Complete level 13 in 35 minutes

    1.91% (304.00)
  • Build a 5x5 Barracks, Lair and Slaughterpen on level 1

    25.60% (33.00)
  • Locate the hidden Artefact on level 2

    36.79% (23.00)
  • Complete level 3 before the final wave spawns

    14.50% (57.00)
  • Claim all 3 Siege Shrines on level 4

    46.81% (19.00)
  • Destroy all Empire Gateways on level 5

    15.79% (53.00)
  • Free all prisoners on level 6

    22.51% (38.00)
  • Convert 50 Empire units to your cause on level 7

    4.71% (155.00)
  • Defile all 7 boss Crypts on level 8

    19.77% (43.00)
  • Let no Empire units leave the second outpost on level 9

    24.58% (35.00)
  • Destroy all Inhibitors on your own on level 10

    2.29% (269.00)
  • Lose less than 10 units on level 11

    6.91% (112.00)
  • Complete level 12 without using the Unleash Kenos Ritual

    9.73% (83.00)
  • Complete level 13 without completing any optional objectives

    3.39% (202.00)
  • Beat Rhaskos on Hard difficulty on any official 1v1 Skirmish map

    1.46% (360.00)
  • Beat Korvek on Hard difficulty on any official 1v1 Skirmish map

    1.47% (359.00)
  • Beat Kasita on Hard difficulty on any official 1v1 Skirmish map

    1.51% (353.00)
  • Beat Mira on Hard difficulty on any official 1v1 Skirmish map

    1.41% (368.00)
  • Beat Draven on Hard difficulty on any official 1v1 Skirmish map

    1.64% (336.00)
  • Beat Marcus on Hard difficulty on any official 1v1 Skirmish map

    1.43% (365.00)
  • Beat Oberon on Hard difficulty on any official 1v1 Skirmish map

    1.44% (363.00)
  • Beat any AI on Master difficulty on any official 1v1 Skirmish map

    1.48% (357.00)
  • Visit the Home Realm for at least 10 minutes after every single level (to hear all of Mendechaus' wisdom)

    1.15% (412.00)
  • Spend a total of 5 hours in your Home Realm

    1.18% (406.00)
  • Max out the FoV slider

    11.10% (73.00)
  • Mine 100,000,000 gold

    0.71% (518.00)
  • Lose the tutorial

    1.81% (315.00)
  • Complete level 1 of Heart of Gold

    10.16% (79.00)
  • Complete level 1 of Heart of Gold without losing any Sentinels

    4.24% (169.00)
  • Find and rescue all Neutral units in level 1 of Heart of Gold

    6.50% (118.00)
  • Destroy all 4 Gateways within 30 minutes in level 1 of Heart of Gold

    1.68% (331.00)
  • Allow Mandalf to respawn 8 times in level 1 of Heart of Gold

    1.93% (302.00)
  • Complete level 2 of Heart of Gold

    8.00% (98.00)
  • Unlock all 12 artefacts in 40 minutes in level 2 of Heart of Gold

    0.89% (469.00)
  • Complete level 2 of Heart of Gold without the Empire patrols discovering you

    1.74% (323.00)
  • Complete level 2 of Heart of Gold without allowing any Empire patrols to reach the end of the road

    0.96% (452.00)
  • Find the Artefact of Pigs in level 2 of Heart of Gold

    5.64% (133.00)
  • Complete level 3 of Heart of Gold

    7.22% (108.00)
  • Stop the Empire from mining more than 100,000 gold before you complete the Colossus in level 3 of Heart of Gold

    6.53% (118.00)
  • Use the Blood Money spell 100 times in level 3 of Heart of Gold

    1.31% (384.00)
  • Gather 500,000 gold in 20 minutes in level 3 of Heart of Gold

    1.98% (297.00)
  • Deposit all of Lord Saffire’s gold statues into the forge in level 3 of Heart of Gold

    1.64% (336.00)
  • Defeat Lord Saffire in Heart of Gold

    6.54% (118.00)
  • Complete level 4 of Heart of Gold

    6.06% (125.00)
  • Destroy all 5 Inhibitors in 25 minutes in level 4 of Heart of Gold

    0.89% (469.00)
  • Defeat every member of House Magnanimous in level 4 of Heart of Gold

    3.26% (208.00)
  • Defeat every member of House Magnanimous and complete level 4 of Heart of Gold without destroying any of the Gateways

    0.95% (454.00)
  • Find the Golden Democorn in level 4 of Heart of Gold

    3.81% (184.00)
  • Defeat Lord Coleem in Heart of Gold

    4.73% (155.00)
  • Reach wave 25 in Crucible mode on any map and challenge

    1.82% (314.00)
  • Reach wave 50 in Crucible mode on any map and challenge

    1.16% (410.00)
  • Reach wave 75 in Crucible mode on any map and challenge

    0.93% (459.00)
  • Complete Deepwater (My Pet Dungeon level)

    14.25% (58.00)
  • Complete the Deepwater bonus objectives (My Pet Dungeon)

    9.48% (85.00)
  • Score 100,000 points on Deepwater (My Pet Dungeon level)

    4.80% (153.00)
  • Complete Justice (My Pet Dungeon level)

    6.47% (119.00)
  • Complete the Justice bonus objectives (My Pet Dungeon)

    6.05% (126.00)
  • Score 150,000 points on Justice (My Pet Dungeon level)

    3.02% (220.00)
  • Complete Frostfossil (My Pet Dungeon level)

    5.43% (138.00)
  • Complete the Frostfossil bonus objectives (My Pet Dungeon)

    4.91% (150.00)
  • Score 150,000 points on Frostfossil (My Pet Dungeon level)

    3.06% (218.00)
  • Complete Goldrust (My Pet Dungeon level)

    8.43% (94.00)
  • Complete the Goldrust bonus objectives (My Pet Dungeon)

    5.65% (133.00)
  • Score 150,000 points on Goldrust (My Pet Dungeon level)

    3.07% (218.00)
  • Complete Snowhope (My Pet Dungeon level)

    4.68% (156.00)
  • Complete the Snowhope bonus objectives (My Pet Dungeon)

    3.55% (195.00)
  • Score 150,000 points on Snowhope (My Pet Dungeon level)

    3.42% (200.00)
  • Complete Ponygrasp (My Pet Dungeon level)

    4.97% (148.00)
  • Complete the Ponygrasp bonus objectives (My Pet Dungeon)

    3.39% (202.00)
  • Score 150,000 points on Ponygrasp (My Pet Dungeon level)

    3.05% (219.00)
  • Complete Lockshackle (My Pet Dungeon level)

    5.72% (132.00)
  • Complete the Lockshackle bonus objectives (My Pet Dungeon)

    4.52% (161.00)
  • Score 150,000 points on Lockshackle (My Pet Dungeon level)

    4.12% (173.00)
  • Complete Hell's Deep (My Pet Dungeon level)

    4.47% (162.00)
  • Complete the Hell's Deep bonus objectives (My Pet Dungeon)

    3.68% (189.00)
  • Score 150,000 points on Hell's Deep (My Pet Dungeon level)

    3.48% (198.00)
  • Play the game during its Chinese release in 2017, or during Chinese New Year celebrations each year

    25.17% (34.00)
  • Win the first arena of The Under Games as Volta

    1.42% (366.00)
  • Win the second arena of The Under Games as Volta

    1.25% (394.00)
  • Win the third arena of The Under Games as Volta

    1.16% (410.00)
  • Win the fourth arena of The Under Games as Volta

    1.13% (416.00)
  • Win the quarter-final of The Under Games as Volta

    1.10% (422.00)
  • Win the semi-final of The Under Games as Volta

    1.08% (426.00)
  • Win The Under Games as Volta

    1.05% (432.00)
  • Win the first arena of The Under Games as Lamash

    1.64% (336.00)
  • Win the second arena of The Under Games as Lamash

    1.38% (372.00)
  • Win the third arena of The Under Games as Lamash

    1.18% (406.00)
  • Win the fourth arena of The Under Games as Lamash

    1.11% (420.00)
  • Win the quarter-final of The Under Games as Lamash

    1.07% (428.00)
  • Win the semi-final of The Under Games as Lamash

    1.06% (430.00)
  • Win The Under Games as Lamash

    1.02% (439.00)
  • Win the first arena of The Under Games as Shale

    2.31% (268.00)
  • Win the second arena of The Under Games as Shale

    1.99% (296.00)
  • Win the third arena of The Under Games as Shale

    1.85% (311.00)
  • Win the fourth arena of The Under Games as Shale

    1.70% (328.00)
  • Win the quarter-final of The Under Games as Shale

    1.61% (339.00)
  • Win the semi-final of The Under Games as Shale

    1.57% (345.00)
  • Win The Under Games as Shale

    1.51% (353.00)
  • Win the first arena of The Under Games as Kasita

    1.24% (396.00)
  • Win the second arena of The Under Games as Kasita

    1.12% (418.00)
  • Win the third arena of The Under Games as Kasita

    1.05% (432.00)
  • Win the fourth arena of The Under Games as Kasita

    1.00% (443.00)
  • Win the quarter-final of The Under Games as Kasita

    0.96% (452.00)
  • Win the semi-final of The Under Games as Kasita

    0.91% (464.00)
  • Win The Under Games as Kasita

    0.94% (457.00)
  • Win the first arena of The Under Games on Master difficulty

    0.79% (495.00)
  • Win the second arena of The Under Games on Master difficulty

    0.70% (521.00)
  • Win the third arena of The Under Games on Master difficulty

    0.66% (534.00)
  • Win the fourth arena of The Under Games on Master difficulty

    0.65% (537.00)
  • Win the quarter-final of The Under Games on Master difficulty

    0.62% (547.00)
  • Win the semi-final of The Under Games on Master difficulty

    0.61% (550.00)
  • Win the The Under Games on Master difficulty

    0.60% (554.00)
  • Beat Lamash on Hard difficulty on any official 1v1 Skirmish map

    0.78% (498.00)
  • Beat Volta on Hard difficulty on any official 1v1 Skirmish map

    0.76% (503.00)
  • Beat Zeam on Hard difficulty on any official 1v1 Skirmish map

    0.77% (501.00)
  • Beat Shale on Hard difficulty on any official 1v1 Skirmish map

    0.74% (509.00)
  • Play the game in May 2019 to celebrate its Japanese release and the Hanami festival, or during April each year

    14.58% (57.00)