• 26,770 Trophies Earned
  • 1,460 Players Tracked
  • 37 Total Trophies
  • 3,306 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 336 Platinum Club
  • 336 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all trophies.

    23.01% (157.00)
  • Congratulations! This is a trophy commemorating the lonely Mayor's first friend. For the Mayor, this is a graduation from isolation as well.

    99.11% (37.00)
  • Congratulations! The sadness following Spotlight's sudden disappearance and the happiness following the light of Sun's return combined in just such a way that grass was able to grow… a feeling commemorated by this trophy. This feeling is not unlike the hurdles of life itself.

    96.37% (38.00)
  • Congratulations! This is a trophy commemorating the recovery of Phone's trade tool, the receiver, from Sun. Now, Phone can make international calls to their heart's content.

    78.29% (46.00)
  • Congratulations! This trophy commemorates the unforgettable experience that is anyone's first overseas trip. Be careful not to lose your passport.

    74.93% (48.00)
  • Congratulations! This is a trophy commemorating the formation of the Sea out of tears. An event truly incredible, yet undeniably real.

    70.55% (51.00)
  • Congratulations! The lonely Island, who cried because there was no Sea to carry it, has grown into a fun and lively place, spinning with sushi. This trophy commemorates Island's growth.

    53.29% (68.00)
  • Congratulations! This is a trophy commemorating the reunion of Ikura Mom and her children. Now she can rest easy!

    51.23% (71.00)
  • Congratulations! This is a trophy commemorating the return of Autumn colors. This season brings to mind quiet, cozy reading and lively, delicious meals, all heralded by the changing colors.

    51.03% (71.00)
  • Congratulations! This is a trophy commemorating the Doll of Sorrows' new face. Eyes, Nose, and Mouth, please be sure to keep Doll happy from now on.

    48.42% (75.00)
  • Congratulations! This trophy commemorates the prophecied moment when the legendary Master Key Sword, long awaiting a hero, was pulled from its resting place. You are the hero! How exciting! How grand! How wonderful RPGs are!

    49.32% (73.00)
  • Congratulations! Refrigerator brought back snow, and the Poops and Ice Cream Cone brought Refrigerator home. This trophy is filled with gratitude, and commemorates all their efforts.

    46.71% (78.00)
  • Congratulations! This trophy commemorates the moment you used the legendary Master Key Sword to open the long-closed House door. There's a lot of cleaning to do before you can properly welcome everyone home.

    43.56% (83.00)
  • Congratulations! This trophy commemorates the return of a long-separated family to a long-abandoned home. Tonight, let us share this table and our stories.

    43.22% (84.00)
  • Congratulations! This trophy welcomes everyone in Wattam back home. Note: the name "Wattam" is a blend word made by combining the Japanese word "wa" (ring) and the Tamil word "Vattam" (circle) together.

    25.68% (141.00)
  • Congratulations! This is a trophy commemorating the discovery of all three types of Poop. However much the Big Poop may look like ice cream, be sure not to taste it because it is very assuredly Poop and will taste as such.

    30.14% (120.00)
  • This is a trophy commemorating the success of the Whole Lot o' Gold Wattam Cast Dream Project. With this, money will no longer be an issue.

    23.36% (155.00)
  • Congratulations! This is a trophy commemorating the return of Balloons of every color. And it appears their acrophobia has improved as well!

    36.51% (99.00)
  • This is a trophy commemorating the conception of conveyor belt sushi. Up until now, sushi meant sitting at a counter in front of a stern old man… but with this, even kids can enjoy the experience.

    27.26% (133.00)
  • This is a trophy commemorating the discovery of a secret power invoked by holding hands in a circle. Though individually we are weak, together we can overcome great obstacles!

    33.08% (110.00)
  • Congratulations! This is a trophy commemorating the day you threw some round children after mistaking them for balls. It's a good thing the children enjoyed it.

    48.42% (75.00)
  • This is a trophy commemorating the establishment of the smallest person. Another of life's great mysteries, solved. Now for the other 2,913,658.

    28.29% (128.00)
  • This is a trophy commemorating the establishment of the tallest person. Another of life's great mysteries, solved.

    28.42% (128.00)
  • ZZZ

    Congratulations! This is a trophy commemorating Pillow successfully getting three people to sleep at the same time. Pillow is currently practicing hard for next year's Slumber Tournament. We hope you win gold, Pillow. We're all rooting for you.

    34.93% (104.00)
  • This trophy commemorates holding hands with 5 friends. 5 friends is so many, you may spark some jealousy.

    93.36% (39.00)
  • This trophy commemorates holding hands with 10 friends. 10 friends is an almost incredulous number of friends.

    53.56% (68.00)
  • Congratulations! This trophy commemorates holding hands with 15 friends. 15 friends is a little unbelievable. Are you really sure they're all your friends?

    47.19% (77.00)
  • This trophy commemorates the delight of going Kaboom with 5 troubled friends. Hopefully any bad feelings have been Kaboomed away as well.

    92.88% (39.00)
  • This trophy commemorates the delight of going Kaboom with 10 friends, who are in a rough spot. Hopefully this will be the first step in moving forward.

    52.40% (69.00)
  • Congratulations! This trophy commemorates the delight of going Kaboom with 15 friends, who share troubled thoughts about the state of the world. Not everything is right with the world, so it's okay!

    31.78% (114.00)
  • This is a trophy commemorating your 10th Kaboom. Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom!

    80.96% (45.00)
  • Congratulations! A trophy commemorating your 50th Kaboom. Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom, kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom kaboom kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom, kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom, kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom!! Kaboom, Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom, kaboom, kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom, kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom, kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom, kaboom, kaboom, kaboom! Kaboom!!

    30.48% (119.00)
  • Congratulations! This is a trophy commemorating your 100th Kaboom. Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom!

    25.55% (142.00)
  • You've climbed and climbed until you reached new heights. This trophy commemorates your 15 meter tall stack, a climb approximately the height of the Eiffel Tower.

    93.63% (39.00)
  • Congratulations! You've climbed and climbed and climbed and climbed until you reached new heights. This trophy commemorates your 40 meter tall stack. At this rate, you'll climb Mt. Everest in no time! Amazing!

    30.00% (121.00)
  • You've eaten and eaten a total of 100 people, a feat commemorated by this trophy. It may not be an exaggeration to say that, for you, to live is to eat.

    32.19% (113.00)
  • Congratulations! You've eaten and eaten and as a result, you've pooped 101 times, a feat commemorated by this trophy. It may be more correct to say that to live is to eat, then digest and excrete.

    24.45% (148.00)