• 432,226 Trophies Earned
  • 24,652 Players Tracked
  • 26 Total Trophies
  • 1,727 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,335 Points
  • 10,131 Platinum Club
  • 10,105 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Obtained all We Were Here tropies

    41.11% (122.00)
  • Escape from the Storage Room

    82.64% (2.00)
  • Assisted in escaping the Storage Room ..and no the answer is not a nose

    81.13% (2.00)
  • Escape from the Painting Room

    80.17% (2.00)
  • Assisted in escaping the Painting Room ..and enjoyed fine arts

    78.64% (64.00)
  • Escape from the Submerged Hallway

    79.37% (63.00)
  • Assisted in escaping the Submerged Hallway ..and became a qualified plumber

    77.82% (65.00)
  • Escaped from the Dungeon ..and the dragon.

    74.31% (68.00)
  • Assisted in escaping the Dungeon ..and didn’t skip leg day

    72.79% (69.00)
  • Escape from the Frozen Courtyard ..and didn’t lose your cool

    67.68% (74.00)
  • Assisted in escaping the Frozen Courtyard ..and learned some new tricks

    66.28% (76.00)
  • Escape from the Dark Hallway

    67.15% (75.00)
  • Assisted in escaping the Dark Hallway ..and learned about cardinal directions

    66.03% (76.00)
  • Assisted in escaping the Haunted Theater

    62.05% (81.00)
  • Escaped the Haunted Theater

    61.18% (82.00)
  • Stayed behind, all alone

    61.69% (81.00)
  • Got out and left your friend behind

    62.02% (81.00)
  • Play through the whole game without dying once

    43.40% (116.00)
  • Have some confetti

    44.41% (113.00)
  • Perfect play ‘Between the eyes’

    72.57% (69.00)
  • Perfect play ‘Painting Room’

    86.50% (2.00)
  • Perfect play ‘Submerged Hallway’

    86.91% (2.00)
  • Perfect play ‘The Dungeon’

    61.03% (82.00)
  • Perfect play ‘Chess’

    64.62% (78.00)
  • Perfect play ‘Spike Hall’

    62.05% (81.00)
  • Perfect play ‘Haunted Theater’

    49.77% (101.00)