• 29,378 Trophies Earned
  • 8,593 Players Tracked
  • 19 Total Trophies
  • 12,950 Obtainable EXP
  • 495 Points
  • 0 Platinum Club
  • 285 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Complete all quest levels, unlock all characters and earn all other trophies

    4.13% (1266.00)
  • Knockout 25,000 Vikings in quest mode

    9.07% (577.00)
  • Win 50 public online Vs matches or Gold Rush tournaments

    8.03% (651.00)
  • Earn a gold star in all solo challenges

    4.27% (1225.00)
  • Skewer the donut in 'The Fairground'

    10.31% (507.00)
  • Win an online match in under 5-seconds

    30.80% (170.00)
  • Make it through 'The Highway Code' without being hit by any cars

    29.59% (177.00)
  • Take the doctor's car back to work

    12.88% (406.00)
  • Save the cake

    8.74% (598.00)
  • Save the priceless antique

    18.43% (284.00)
  • Catch something you threw

    83.00% (63.00)
  • Complete 'Up on the Roof' without falling off

    54.03% (97.00)
  • Go bowling with Vikings

    40.16% (130.00)

When Vikings Relax! DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Beat wave 15 in solo survival mode

    3.56% (1469.00)
  • Earn all 10 warrior characters

    3.97% (1317.00)
  • Complete three consecutive rounds without falling down a trapdoor in 'Break a Leg'

    5.46% (958.00)
  • Force a timeout on 'Pawn Cocktail' while holding the king piece

    4.82% (1085.00)
  • Take out a player with a mega-multi-bounced pinball!

    5.45% (960.00)
  • Putt 3 balls in 'Fairway to Heaven'

    5.18% (1010.00)