• 10,505 Trophies Earned
  • 571 Players Tracked
  • 25 Total Trophies
  • 1,287 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,260 Points
  • 286 Platinum Club
  • 286 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Collect all trophies.

    50.09% (98.00)
  • Windstorm trusts you. Finish Mister Kaan's training.

    100.00% (2.00)
  • Thanks to you, Windstorm is a very happy horse! Care for Windstorm until he is at his best.

    98.77% (2.00)
  • Collect Bernweed. This plant is dangerous for horses. The more you collect, the better. You can find them on open maedows.

    86.87% (2.00)
  • Collect Purple Foxglove. This plant is dangerous for horses. The more you collect, the better. You can find them at the edge of the forest or in the shade.

    87.04% (2.00)
  • Collect Spotted Hemlock. This plant is dangerous for horses. The more you collect, the better. You can find them on dry spots and on slopes.

    85.99% (2.00)
  • Collect Bracken Fern. This plant is dangerous for horses. The more you collect, the better. You can find them at the edge of the forest or on clearings.

    82.84% (2.00)
  • Windstorm loves to jump with you!

    82.14% (2.00)
  • Find the training ground of Kaltenbach Estate.

    80.04% (2.00)
  • Find Mister Kaan's trailer. He is living there and creates those beautiful carvings.

    76.71% (64.00)
  • When you run, you are free!

    76.18% (64.00)
  • Find the best view around Kaltenbach Estate!

    71.28% (69.00)
  • Find Mika's favourite tree. Here she likes to unwind and watch Windstorm.

    73.91% (66.00)
  • Find the ancient stone circle. For how long might it be standing here?

    71.45% (69.00)
  • Find the mysterious cave.

    72.33% (68.00)
  • Find the train station where Mika arrived.

    73.03% (67.00)
  • Find the old siding in the woods.

    71.10% (69.00)
  • Find the big waterfall.

    70.23% (70.00)
  • Your best time for the fieldrun. Find the fieldrun and measure your time.

    70.93% (69.00)
  • Find the Ungar's farm. Here Mika freed 33 and the other horses.

    64.45% (76.00)
  • Find half of Mister Kaan's carvings.

    64.80% (76.00)
  • Find the center of the maze.

    61.65% (80.00)
  • Find the mysterious Monolith. Where might it came from?

    58.84% (83.00)
  • You know Kaltenbach Estate inside out. Find all remarkable places in the surroundings.

    57.97% (85.00)
  • Find all of Mister Kaan's carvings.

    50.26% (98.00)