• 245,093 Trophies Earned
  • 24,538 Players Tracked
  • 53 Total Trophies
  • 8,539 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,725 Points
  • 1,777 Platinum Club
  • 1,404 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Obtain every Trophy in WipEout® 2048

    7.23% (271.00)
  • Complete the 2048 season

    81.06% (24.00)
  • Complete the 2049 season

    44.09% (44.00)
  • Complete the 2050 season

    22.57% (87.00)
  • Complete all events in the Single Player Campaign

    19.77% (99.00)
  • ELITE PASS every event in the Single Player Campaign

    11.19% (175.00)
  • Get an ELITE PASS on the C Class Time Trial on Capital Reach in 2048

    42.95% (46.00)
  • Get an ELITE PASS on Empire Climb Zone Mode in 2048

    78.49% (25.00)
  • Get an ELITE PASS on the C Class Combat Event on Metro Park in 2048

    49.41% (40.00)
  • Get an ELITE PASS on the B Class Race on Unity Square in 2049

    35.79% (55.00)
  • Get an ELITE PASS on the A Class Time Trial on Metro Park in 2049

    23.38% (84.00)
  • Get an ELITE PASS on Downtown Zone Mode in 2049

    20.81% (94.00)
  • Get an ELITE PASS on Queens Mall Zone Mode in 2050

    15.89% (123.00)
  • Get an ELITE PASS on the A Class Race on Empire Climb in 2050

    22.17% (88.00)
  • Get an ELITE PASS on the A Class Race on Sol in 2050

    18.09% (108.00)
  • ELITE PASS all Prototype Ship Challenges

    8.28% (236.00)
  • ELITE PASS any A+ Class Challenge

    10.10% (194.00)
  • Finish an Online Multiplayer event

    45.65% (43.00)
  • Complete your first Online Multiplayer Level

    24.65% (79.00)
  • Finish 50 Online Multiplayer events

    12.42% (158.00)
  • Complete 10 Online Multiplayer Levels

    10.45% (187.00)
  • Finish the Online Multiplayer Campaign

    8.69% (225.00)
  • Complete all nodes in the Online Muliplayer Campaign

    8.29% (236.00)
  • Destroy 50 ships in Online Multiplayer

    12.03% (163.00)
  • Reach Rank 25

    17.32% (113.00)
  • Reach Rank 50

    9.37% (209.00)
  • Altima, C Class, Speed Lap, Pir-hana Speed - beat 52.00 seconds

    10.10% (194.00)
  • Reach Zone 65 in any Zone Event

    12.21% (160.00)
  • Destroy 7 opposition ships in any Race in the Single Player Campaign

    9.52% (206.00)
  • Hit a total of 2048 Speed Pads

    48.57% (40.00)
  • Get a Perfect Lap in the Pir-hana Prototype, in the A Class, Unity Square, Speed Lap

    7.95% (246.00)

WipEout® HD DLC trophies

Earned Date

WipEout® HD Fury DLC trophies

Earned Date