• 105,401 Trophies Earned
  • 23,550 Players Tracked
  • 35 Total Trophies
  • 12,053 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 941 Platinum Club
  • 941 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Earn all the trophies in the game

    4.00% (706.00)
  • ELITE PASS every event in the 2048 Campaign

    4.93% (573.00)
  • Reach Rank 50 in the 2048 Campaign

    4.90% (576.00)
  • Equal or beat the lap time of 32.5 seconds on Downtown circuit, Speed Lap, A class, using the Feisar Speed ship

    5.21% (542.00)
  • Reach Zone 65 in any Zone Event

    12.35% (229.00)
  • Obtain a gold medal for every cell in Race Campaign on Elite difficulty

    4.69% (602.00)
  • Equal or beat the lap time of 30.82 seconds on Anulpha Pass (Forward), Speed Lap, Venom, using the Piranha

    5.01% (564.00)
  • Complete all events in the 2048 Campaign

    6.88% (411.00)
  • ELITE PASS all Prototype Ship Challenges

    4.70% (601.00)
  • ELITE PASS any A+ Class Challenge in the 2048 Campaign

    6.60% (428.00)
  • Win every race of an 8 stage Racebox tournament on Skilled or Elite difficulty

    6.03% (468.00)
  • Win 10 online races

    10.11% (279.00)
  • Obtain a gold medal for every cell in the HD and Fury Campaigns

    6.95% (406.00)
  • Complete the 2048 Season

    53.43% (53.00)
  • Complete the 2049 Season

    22.48% (126.00)
  • Complete the 2050 Season

    12.25% (231.00)
  • Obtain a medal for every cell in Impact

    14.98% (189.00)
  • Obtain a medal for every cell in Warped

    29.52% (96.00)
  • Obtain a medal for every cell in Turbulence

    11.17% (253.00)
  • Obtain a medal for every cell in Vertigo

    17.46% (162.00)
  • Obtain a medal for every cell in Corruption

    9.33% (303.00)
  • Obtain a medal for every cell in Speed Freak

    13.76% (205.00)
  • Obtain a medal for every cell in Aftermath

    7.91% (357.00)
  • Obtain a medal for every cell in Meltdown

    9.27% (305.00)
  • Finish 10 online races

    17.06% (166.00)
  • Get eliminated in a race on Novice difficulty

    18.92% (149.00)
  • Destroy 50 ships in Online Eliminator or Combat Events

    6.74% (419.00)
  • Win any race with Pilot Assist on

    65.69% (43.00)
  • Get at least 500 loyalty points for each team (excluding Van-Über team)

    10.03% (282.00)
  • Reach stage 10 without firing on any track, in any Detonator event

    6.26% (451.00)
  • Execute and land a successful barrel roll on Moa Therma

    8.93% (316.00)
  • Pass through 15 Zone Barriers in any Zone Battle event

    5.75% (491.00)
  • Win any single player Zone Battle event with a minimum target of 25 without absorbing

    7.83% (361.00)
  • Obtain 50,000 points on each of the following tracks in Zone Mode - Pro Tozo, Mallavol, Corridon 12 and Syncopia

    6.78% (417.00)
  • Eliminate at least two opponents in any race

    9.65% (293.00)