• 54,130 Trophies Earned
  • 1,668 Players Tracked
  • 33 Total Trophies
  • 63 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,335 Points
  • 1,618 Platinum Club
  • 1,606 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Collect all the trophies

    97.00% (2.00)
  • Find a nine-letter word

    100.00% (1.00)
  • Find a bonus word

    100.00% (1.00)
  • Find 100 words in a single puzzle

    98.80% (2.00)
  • 97.48% (2.00)
  • Find every word in a single puzzle

    98.98% (2.00)
  • Find the nine-letter words for "PLAY"

    99.16% (2.00)
  • Find the nine-letter words for "STAR"

    98.86% (2.00)
  • Find the nine-letter words for "BAND"

    98.68% (2.00)
  • Find the nine-letter words for "TYPE"

    98.62% (2.00)
  • Find the nine-letter words for "RAIL"

    98.26% (2.00)
  • Find the nine-letter words for "PAGE"

    98.14% (2.00)
  • Find the nine-letter words for "HINT"

    98.20% (2.00)
  • Find the nine-letter words for "WIND"

    98.02% (2.00)
  • Find the nine-letter words for "FAST"

    98.08% (2.00)
  • Find the nine-letter words for "SPIN"

    98.02% (2.00)
  • Find the nine-letter words for "HAIR"

    98.20% (2.00)
  • Find the nine-letter words for "SNOW"

    98.02% (2.00)
  • Find the nine-letter words for "MIND"

    98.08% (2.00)
  • Find the nine-letter words for "ENVY"

    98.08% (2.00)
  • Find the nine-letter words for "WING"

    98.02% (2.00)
  • Find the nine-letter words for "TURN"

    98.02% (2.00)
  • Find the nine-letter words for "PAIN"

    98.02% (2.00)
  • Find the nine-letter words for "BOLD"

    97.96% (2.00)
  • Find the nine-letter words for "RAIN"

    98.02% (2.00)
  • Find the nine-letter words for "FUEL"

    97.96% (2.00)
  • Find the nine-letter words for "JOKE"

    97.96% (2.00)
  • Find the nine-letter words for "EVEN"

    97.96% (2.00)
  • Find the nine-letter words for "TIME"

    97.96% (2.00)
  • Find the nine-letter words for "WAVE"

    97.96% (2.00)
  • Find the nine-letter words for "STOP"

    97.90% (2.00)
  • Find all the nine-letter words

    97.90% (2.00)
  • This is a famliy game!

    100.00% (1.00)