• 60,412 Trophies Earned
  • 7,934 Players Tracked
  • 36 Total Trophies
  • 10,307 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,260 Points
  • 406 Platinum Club
  • 406 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Earn all other trophies

    5.12% (692.00)
  • Open and buy all perks in one specialization

    11.15% (318.00)
  • Open and buy all perks in game

    6.55% (541.00)
  • Open and buy final version of any weapon

    28.83% (123.00)
  • Open and buy final versions of all weapons

    6.14% (577.00)
  • Finish episode "New York" on any difficulty

    39.63% (89.00)
  • Finish episode "Jerusalem" on any difficulty

    35.73% (99.00)
  • Finish episode "Moscow" on any difficulty

    27.67% (128.00)
  • Finish all episodes on any difficulty

    23.18% (153.00)
  • Finish all episodes on insane or extreme difficulty

    8.73% (406.00)
  • Finish any level without dealing friendly damage

    17.09% (207.00)
  • Finish any level without using health packs

    33.67% (105.00)
  • Finish any level using just pistol

    10.23% (347.00)
  • Finish any level with full team

    76.87% (46.00)
  • Kill 10,000 zombies

    25.52% (139.00)
  • Kill Lurker midair

    70.43% (50.00)
  • Kill Bull during charge

    42.92% (83.00)
  • Kill 20 lying zombies before they get up

    18.31% (194.00)
  • Hit 10 zombies with one Stun Gun shot

    12.02% (295.00)
  • Walk into toxic cloud 100 times

    6.38% (556.00)
  • Open 15 rooms or containers with breaching charge

    14.00% (253.00)
  • Capture 15 turrets

    10.66% (333.00)
  • Kill 10 zombies with gas cylinder explosion

    60.97% (58.00)
  • Burn 10 zombies with one gasoline puddle

    43.50% (81.00)
  • Build 100 defences

    17.54% (202.00)
  • Defuse 10 mines

    11.04% (321.00)
  • Finish 25 PvP matches in any mode

    6.74% (526.00)
  • Finish PvP match with highest score in any mode

    12.38% (286.00)
  • Capture the point and hold it until the end of the match in "Swarm Domination" mode

    8.02% (442.00)
  • Gather 200 resources during single match in scavenge raid mode

    7.42% (478.00)
  • Rescue 30 incapacitated teammates

    15.41% (230.00)
  • Heal 30 teammates with health lower than 20% with Medkits or Stim Pistol

    10.17% (349.00)
  • Dispense 10 explosive ammo packs to teammates

    12.09% (293.00)
  • Use masking grenade on 3 teammates with zombies near

    9.30% (381.00)
  • Mark special zombies 50 times

    9.67% (367.00)
  • Finish 100 games in PvE

    6.34% (559.00)