• 313,286 Trophies Earned
  • 71,964 Players Tracked
  • 36 Total Trophies
  • 24,551 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,530 Points
  • 1,487 Platinum Club
  • 770 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Easy, just unlock all the other trophies!

    2.07% (1250.00)
  • Complete "The Mission Before Time".

    88.64% (29.00)
  • Complete "Meat in the Middle".

    21.85% (118.00)
  • Complete "Worm on Trap"

    8.34% (310.00)
  • Complete "The Class Act".

    5.26% (492.00)
  • Complete "Fugu Fountain".

    4.30% (602.00)
  • Defeat the evil Lord Mesmer.

    3.55% (729.00)
  • Complete "No Zzz's in Escape" without taking any damage.

    3.29% (787.00)
  • Complete all Worm Ops missions.

    3.30% (784.00)
  • Complete all Worm Ops missions in under 8 total minutes.

    2.31% (1120.00)
  • Kill a total of 10 enemy worms.

    71.03% (36.00)
  • Kill a total of 100 enemy worms.

    13.22% (196.00)
  • Kill a total of 300 enemy worms.

    4.68% (553.00)
  • Kill 4 worms in a single turn.

    11.94% (217.00)
  • Kill 5 worms with the Prod weapon.

    4.18% (619.00)
  • Purchase a Concrete Donkey from the in-game shop.

    4.44% (583.00)
  • Parachute for 30 seconds and successfully land in a single turn.

    4.50% (575.00)
  • Accumulate 300 or more health on a single worm.

    14.12% (183.00)
  • Deploy a legendary weapon that you received from a weapons crate or gravestone

    29.74% (87.00)
  • Deal 300 damage in a single turn.

    19.81% (131.00)
  • Use every weapon and utility in the game.

    3.06% (846.00)
  • Win a multiplayer match.

    26.75% (97.00)
  • Kill an allied worm in an online match.

    5.12% (505.00)
  • Win a ranked multiplayer match.

    4.60% (563.00)
  • Achieve a win streak of 5 ranked online games.

    3.37% (768.00)
  • Create your own clan, complete with emblem.

    12.95% (200.00)
  • Fully customise your worms.

    34.13% (76.00)
  • Win a Battlegrounds league Clan Match.

    5.11% (506.00)
  • Level up with a clan.

    3.30% (784.00)
  • Complete a multiplayer match using your personally created landscape

    5.45% (475.00)
  • Deal the winning blow with a resurrected worm.

    3.99% (649.00)

Alien Invasion DLC trophies

Earned Date