• 34,633 Trophies Earned
  • 2,420 Players Tracked
  • 28 Total Trophies
  • 1,725 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,260 Points
  • 999 Platinum Club
  • 997 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Earned all other trophies

    41.16% (76.00)
  • Cleared the opening

    100.00% (1.00)
  • Cleared Chapter 1

    83.47% (1.00)
  • Cleared Chapter 2

    57.31% (55.00)
  • Cleared Chapter 3

    53.84% (58.00)
  • Cleared Chapter 4

    51.78% (61.00)
  • Cleared Chapter 5

    50.66% (62.00)
  • Cleared Chapter 6

    50.04% (63.00)
  • Cleared Chapter 7

    49.59% (63.00)
  • Played a total of 50 hours

    42.19% (75.00)
  • Played a total of 10 minutes without the flashlight on

    56.98% (55.00)
  • Suffered a Game Over a total of 30 times

    55.21% (57.00)
  • Hid a total of 50 times

    54.75% (57.00)
  • Made an offering to Jizo Statues a total of 50 times

    44.05% (71.00)
  • Stayed home for a total of 15 minutes

    52.69% (60.00)
  • Kicked the can a total of 50 times

    47.69% (66.00)
  • Opened Garbage Bags a total of 20 times

    44.13% (71.00)
  • Cat

    Fed a cat

    52.44% (60.00)
  • Picked up the Big Bell

    44.30% (71.00)
  • Sis

    Talked to Sis a total of 12 times

    47.31% (67.00)
  • Kidnapped by Mr. Yomawari

    44.50% (71.00)
  • Picked up a trophy

    45.25% (70.00)
  • Found the Tsuchinoko

    45.87% (69.00)
  • Collected all collectable items for your room

    42.36% (74.00)
  • Completed the radio

    43.39% (73.00)
  • Completed the puzzle

    43.10% (73.00)
  • Collected all usable items

    44.55% (71.00)
  • Collected all items

    42.36% (74.00)