• 4,262 Trophies Earned
  • 855 Players Tracked
  • 14 Total Trophies
  • 3,447 Obtainable EXP
  • 315 Points
  • 0 Platinum Club
  • 180 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Overheard every conversation along the way.

    69.94% (106.00)
  • Witnessed the rise and fall of a sleazy air con empire. Forever banned in Mainland China.

    23.98% (309.00)
  • Remained at home for an extended period of time.

    35.79% (207.00)
  • Took the time to appreciate the playground. If this isn't nice, I don't know what is.

    34.97% (212.00)
  • Sought a path home on multiple occasions.

    24.33% (305.00)
  • Insisted on hearing Thomas out.

    64.33% (115.00)
  • Reached the ending in record time.

    21.99% (337.00)
  • Learned about the state of humanity... and "crowmanity."

    23.51% (315.00)
  • Met a most elusive Duke.

    23.63% (314.00)
  • Discovered a shocking tribute to PlayStationⓇFirst.

    24.21% (306.00)
  • Encountered a mysterious monument.

    26.78% (277.00)
  • Pressed your luck in the casino for 77.7 seconds.

    26.78% (277.00)
  • Charged boldly into the face of danger.

    69.82% (106.00)
  • Climbed the highest peak in the forest.

    28.42% (261.00)