• 545 Achievements Earned
  • 118 Players Tracked
  • 18 Total Achievements
  • 10,361 Obtainable EXP
  • 6 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Create 5000 solid blocks.

    10.17% (828.00)
  • Create 250 curves (Quake 3).

    5.08% (1657.00)
  • Create 2500 solid entities.

    11.02% (764.00)
  • Place 1000 point entities.

    16.95% (497.00)
  • Carve 100 solids.

    29.66% (284.00)
  • Place 50 decals (Half-Life).

    43.22% (195.00)
  • Make 25 solids hollow.

    28.81% (292.00)
  • Merge 16 solids in a single Merge operation.

    16.10% (523.00)
  • Cut 100 solids using the Clipping Tool.

    56.78% (148.00)
  • Split 50 faces.

    11.86% (710.00)
  • Triangulate 10 complex solid structures.

    11.02% (764.00)
  • Export 100 MAP files.

    67.80% (124.00)
  • Save 25 incremental versions of a single project.

    6.78% (1242.00)
  • Get an "Invalid solid structure" error.

    62.71% (134.00)
  • Extract textures (Quake or Half-Life).

    33.90% (248.00)
  • Create a path using the Path Tool.

    29.66% (284.00)
  • Create a group consisted of 10 nested groups.

    11.02% (764.00)
  • Create an effect in Effects Editor (Quake 3).

    9.32% (903.00)