Infinity Ward

Infinity Ward Headcount Drops Yet Again

Another day brings word of more departures at Modern Warfare developer Infinity Ward. Sources close to the studio say that another two longtime employees have parted ways, including Mark Grigsby and Paul Messerly. During his five year tenure, Grigsby served as a lead animator for the studio, although fans may better know him as the voice of Staff Sergeant Griggs […]

Four More Cut Ties With Infinity Ward

The proverbial ship that held Infinity Ward together is sinking at a rapid pace. The mass exodus continues as another four key members have parted ways with the Activision-owned studio, bringing the total departure count to eleven, according to sources close to Kotaku. Among those that left are Steve Fukuda and Zied Reike. Both served as lead designers on Modern […]

More Talent Departs From Infinity Ward

Is a mass exodus brewing at Modern Warfare developer Infinity Ward? Another two vets have chosen to part ways with the Activision-owned studio. Programmer Jon Shiring and designer Mackey McCandlish are the latest to break ties, joining fired co-founders Jason West and Vince Zempella, along with lead designer Todd Alderman and lead software engineer Francesco Gigliotti. Shiring broke news of […]

Ousted Infinity Ward Co-Founders Join Forces With EA, Form Respawn Entertainment

EA today announced that it joined forces with ousted Infinity Ward co-founders Jason West and Vince Zampella, the two figureheads at the center of an ongoing legal battle with Activision. The partnership has led to the formation of an all-new startup called Respawn Entertainment. In addition to giving the duo an unparalleled amount of creative freedom, EA says Respawn will […]

Activision Counter Sues Ex-Infinity Ward Co-Founders

In a terse response to alleged breach of contract claims from ex-Infinity Ward co-founders Jason West and Vince Zampella, publisher Activision has filed a massive 23-page legal suit, seeking monetary compensation for damages in addition to reallocation of any bonuses entitled to the duo. The suit makes a harsh assertion, claiming that both men intentionally “violated their employment contracts,” morphing […]

Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package Hits PS3, PC In May

As expected, Microsoft’s exclusivity period for the Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package was rather short lived. Publisher Activision today announced Infinity Ward’s first round of DLC will make its way over to the PS3 and PC next month in North America and Europe. Consisting of five add-on maps, look for it to hit PS3 on May 4, with a European […]

More Top Brass Depart From Infinity Ward

Another two key members of Infinity Ward have left the studio, this time seemingly on their own accord. The LinkedIn profiles of Todd Alderman and Francesco Gigliotti have been updated to reflect their current status of no longer having involvement with the company. Giglitotti held the position of lead software engineer prior to his departure, while Alderman served as a […]

Gallery: Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package

The cure for “mapathy” is nearly here. Publisher Activision has sent over a batch of screens from Modern Warfare 2’s Stimulus Package. Check ’em out after the break. Comprised of five multiplayer maps in all, three of which are new locales, the pack is set to cost 1200 MS points when it hits Xbox Live next week on March 30. […]

Bad Company 2 VIP Map Pack 2 Drops March 30, Promises Free ‘Mapathy’ Remedy

EA is piggybacking on Activision and Infinity Ward’s fight against “mapathy,” offering up a cure of its own. The same day Modern Warfare 2’s Stimulus Package DLC hits, Bad Company 2 will receive a map pack of its own. The only difference being that the latter’s DLC is free to all VIP members. That includes anyone who picked up BC2 […]

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package Is Official, Acti Details Launch Plans

Following a satirical tease last night, publisher Activision has officially announced that the first batch of Modern Warfare 2 DLC – collectively dubbed the “Stimulus Package” – will hit Xbox Live first on March 30. In celebration of the impending map pack release, Activision and Microsoft have teamed up to host a “Multiplayer Unlock” event, allowing all Xbox Live Silver […]

Activision Touts Cure For ‘Mapathy’ With Modern Warfare 2 DLC

The first batch of downloadable content for Infinity Ward’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will hit Xbox 360  on March 30, Activision revealed today. As pictured above, the publisher launched a teaser site with a heavy satirical slant, touting that said DLC is a cure for a tongue-in-cheek disorder known as “Mapathy.” According to the site, affected individuals “no […]

Infinity Ward Co-Founders Take Legal Action Against Activison Over Unpaid Royalties, Breach of Contract

The drama surrounding Infinity Ward co-founders Jason West and Vince Zampella is far from over — it has just begun. The duo has responded to Activision’s knee-jerk charge of insubordination and breach of contract with a stiff lawsuit, asserting that the mega-corp never made good on its promise to deliver “substantial royalty payments” for their involvement in the creation of multi-million […]

Activision Details Future Plans For Call of Duty, Sledgehammer To Helm 2011 Installment

Activision has big plans in store for the Call of Duty franchise and series mainstay Infinity Ward is not at the center of them. According to a recently-issued press release, newly formed studio Sledgehammer Games is working on another Call of Duty installment, due for release in 2011. The studio is led by industry vets Glen Schofield and Michael Condrey. […]

Strange Happenings At Infinity Ward, Company Vets Booted

Strange times for Call of Duty developer Infinity Ward. According to a G4 report that surfaced last night, a “bunch of bouncer-types” showed up at the studio unannounced and would not explain their presence to nearby employees. To make matters even more puzzling, IW co-founders Vince Zampella and Jason West had not been seen on the premises since Monday, following […]

Infinity Ward: MW2 Outsold CoD 4 On PC

Boycotts be damned, the PC version of Modern Warfare 2 seems to be performing exceptional at retail, having outsold its predecessor in terms of first week sales. This is according to Infinity Ward community manager Robert “402” Bowling, who wrote the following in a forum post on the developer’s official site:

Analyst: Modern Warfare 2 Sold 7 Million On Day One

With an official count of 1.23 million units sold in the UK on launch day, Modern Warfare 2 is well on track to become this year’s biggest entertainment launch, just as publisher Activision said it would. How is the proper sequel to 2007’s Infinity Ward-developed Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare stacking up in terms of worldwide sales? While exact […]

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Variety Map Pack Now $5 On PSN, XBLM This Week Only

In what we presume is a last ditch effort to move copies of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and associated downloadable content in preparation for the release of its follow-up, Activision has slashed the price on Infinity Ward’s Variety Map Pack, bringing it down to $4.99, a 50 percent reduction. That translates to 400 Microsoft Points on the 360 […]

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 40 Percent Off On Steam

In preparation for the imminent launch of Modern Warfare 2, Activision is running a weekend sale on Steam for the previous installment. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare can be now be had for 40 percent off the usual purchase price, bringing it to a total of $23.99. Not a bad deal if you’re one of the few who have […]

Modern Warfare 2 Gets Steamworks Integration

If you’re still willing to plunk down $60 for the IWNET-powered PC version of Modern Warfare 2, then you may want to consider purchasing it on Steam. Those who pick up the title through Valve’s digital distribution service can reap the benefits of full Steamworks integration.

Modern Warfare 2 PC System Requirements Detailed

If the lack of dedicated server support on the PC version of Modern Warfare 2 isn’t dissuading you from buying, then you might be interested in knowing the system requirements, which retailer GameStop revealed today on its website. The requirements are very modest, as expected as MW2 is running on what is essentially a tweaked CoD 4 engine. Even those […]