Unlock all other Part I Achievements.
Reach Purdan.
Key your Biometrics to the PDT Keycard.
Lose a fight in the Mess Hall.
Recover the Riot Shotgun.
Transfer Davis into the Data Pad.
Recover your Pulse Rifle.
Find a way across the skybridge.
Attempt to destroy the MD-8.
Clear the infestation in the Medical Wing.
Finish Part I.
Finish Part I on Insane Difficulty.
Kill 6 facehuggers while cocooned in the nest.
Get 30 kills with the Pulse Rifle.
Get 30 kills with the Riot Shotgun.
Get 30 kills with the Revolver.
Kill 10 Xenomorphs after Davis is downed in Mess Hall.
Correctly rewire 30 junction boxes.
Dock the Datapad by throwing it into the air and shooting it onto a Terminal.
Use the Pulse Rifle to trigger a controlled explosion.
In Part I, throw a gun in the air and catch it seconds before killing an enemy.
Find every piece of Intel.
Shoot Davis.
Get attacked by the same facehugger after prying it off.
Read every email in Part I.
Hold a dead facehugger for 2 minutes.
Kill an enemy with your last bullet.
Kill a Xenomorph as it attempts to execute you.
Kill 3 separate enemies with the Pulse Rifle, Riot Shotgun, and the Revolver within 5 seconds.
In Part I, damage an enemy with one gun and kill it with another.
Trap Xenomorphs in a Panic Room and kill them 5 times.
Attack a Xenomorph with the Hand Torch.
Kill 2 Xenomorphs at once by detonating an exploding Barrel or Pipe.
Heal yourself by injecting an X-stim into your head.
Kill a Xenomorph while wearing a hat.