• 340 Achievements Earned
  • 46 Players Tracked
  • 13 Total Achievements
  • 2,489 Obtainable EXP
  • 14 100% Club
Earned Date
  • To the light

    95.65% (9.00)
  • Collect a minimum of 10 stars

    84.78% (10.00)
  • Run Sandbox mode.

    67.39% (160.00)
  • Create a mouse cursor in the sandbox mode

    47.83% (225.00)
  • Who created this game? Find a secret achievement

    56.52% (190.00)
  • Change the color of the lights

    67.39% (160.00)
  • Create a rectangle in sandbox mode. Don't ask why, just do it

    50.00% (215.00)
  • The game is won when a player returns to their own territory with the enemy flag

    45.65% (236.00)
  • Also known as the Devil's Triangle

    60.87% (177.00)
  • Collect a minimum of 60 stars

    54.35% (198.00)
  • Collect 180 Stars and become a super star

    30.43% (353.00)
  • 50%

    What about the another 50%?

    43.48% (247.00)
  • Any questions??? Dev?????

    34.78% (309.00)