• 90 Achievements Earned
  • 5 Players Tracked
  • 60 Total Achievements
  • 3,769 Obtainable EXP
  • 0 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Spare everyone on a single day

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Never fully abide by Fate's instructions

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Say that you like ice-cream

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Get the cactus to meow

    20.00% (87.00)
  • EGG

    Find the ultimate Easter Egg

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Pissed off the boss' cat

    40.00% (43.00)
  • Suggest that the afterlife is an eldritch monster dating show

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Kill all the developers in credits

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Get all endings

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Start a New Game+

    40.00% (43.00)
  • Finish the game with lowest chaos in Peace

    40.00% (43.00)
  • Finish the game with lowest chaos in Health

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Appeased the boss' cat with a gift

    60.00% (29.00)
  • Doom the guy who likes pineapple on pizza

    40.00% (43.00)
  • Get a raise

    100.00% (17.00)
  • Spare all developers in credits

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Finish the game with highest chaos in Peace

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Stop existing prematurely

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Reach Utopian level on all world parameters simultaneously

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Choose your appearance for more than 15 minutes straight

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Finish the game with highest chaos in Prosperity

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Cram all of your stuff into your desk drawers

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Finish the game with highest chaos in Ecology

    40.00% (43.00)
  • Witness the end of the world

    40.00% (43.00)
  • Increase a single world parameter value at least 2 levels in one day

    40.00% (43.00)
  • Hold over 5000 darksouls

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Finish the game with lowest chaos in Prosperity

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Find the Immortal

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Change your look to regular skull and cape

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Drop a single world parameter value at least 2 levels in one day

    100.00% (17.00)
  • Get the most positive ending imaginable

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Usurp Fate and take over as the new Fate

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Spend 10 minutes behind your desk without marking any profiles

    80.00% (22.00)
  • Relieve Fate of their duties and ascend as the new Fate

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Get the fidget spinner to go up in flames

    40.00% (43.00)
  • Visit Mortimer every day

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Revealed Fate's Plot through loyalty

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Finish the game with lowest chaos in Ecology

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Spare the guy who likes pineapple on pizza

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Doom everyone on a single day

    40.00% (43.00)
  • Finish the game with highest chaos in Health

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Reach critical level on all world parameters simultaneously

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Use the Eraser 10 times

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Collect all clothes and visages

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Knowingly fulfill Fate's plan to end the world

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Get Fired

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Start the game

    100.00% (17.00)
  • Asked all questions in first lore Hub

    100.00% (17.00)
  • Buy all the items from the Shop

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Flip the Decision Coin 100 times

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Score a vague personality in Cerri’s quiz

    80.00% (22.00)
  • Score an aggressive personality in Cerri’s quiz

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Chunk up the Oink Bank

    80.00% (22.00)
  • Try all the drinks served at Cerberus' Den

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Yot

    Press the Discord button

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Collect all Desk Spirits

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Spin a nonsensical story for Mortimer

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Listen to all of Mortimer’s bar stories

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Spin a good story for Mortimer

    20.00% (87.00)
  • Score a grouchy personality in Cerri’s quiz

    20.00% (87.00)