• 38 Achievements Earned
  • 10 Players Tracked
  • 28 Total Achievements
  • 6,534 Obtainable EXP
  • 0 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Evidence Score = 1: The evidence score represents the total value of evidence that Theo has collected. This score is impacted by transmitting files from the computer terminals that Theo hacks, finding paper documents around the hospital and taking photographs of objects that need to be seen to believe.

    70.00% (117.00)
  • Evidence Score = 69: The evidence score represents the total value of evidence that Theo has collected. This score is impacted by transmitting files from the computer terminals that Theo hacks, finding paper documents around the hospital and taking photographs of objects that need to be seen to believe.

    10.00% (819.00)
  • Evidence Score = 117: The evidence score represents the total value of evidence that Theo has collected. This score is impacted by transmitting files from the computer terminals that Theo hacks, finding paper documents around the hospital and taking photographs of objects that need to be seen to believe.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Evidence Score = 138: The evidence score represents the total value of evidence that Theo has collected. This score is impacted by transmitting files from the computer terminals that Theo hacks, finding paper documents around the hospital and taking photographs of objects that need to be seen to believe.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Final Stealth Score = 0: The stealth score represents how noticeable Theo’s escape from Green Valley has been. If Theo is noticed by guards, nurses, or cameras this score will be impacted. It starts at a high-value, and degrades with each encounter.

    10.00% (819.00)
  • Final Stealth Score = 5: The stealth score represents how noticeable Theo’s escape from Green Valley has been. If Theo is noticed by guards, nurses, or cameras this score will be impacted. It starts at a high-value, and degrades with each encounter.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Final Stealth Score = 8: The stealth score represents how noticeable Theo’s escape from Green Valley has been. If Theo is noticed by guards, nurses, or cameras this score will be impacted. It starts at a high-value, and degrades with each encounter.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Final Stealth Score = 10: The stealth score represents how noticeable Theo’s escape from Green Valley has been. If Theo is noticed by guards, nurses, or cameras this score will be impacted. It starts at a high-value, and degrades with each encounter.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Final Violence Score = 1: The violence score represents how violent Theo’s escape has been. It is impacted by attacking guards and nurses. If a guard engages Theo and he defends himself, it will also count against this score. Attacks on security cameras do NOT affect this score. Similar to the stealth score this value also decreases as it is impacted.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Final Violence Score = 5: The violence score represents how violent Theo’s escape has been. It is impacted by attacking guards and nurses. If a guard engages Theo and he defends himself, it will also count against this score. Attacks on security cameras do NOT affect this score. Similar to the stealth score this value also decreases as it is impacted.

    10.00% (819.00)
  • Final Violence Score = 8: The violence score represents how violent Theo’s escape has been. It is impacted by attacking guards and nurses. If a guard engages Theo and he defends himself, it will also count against this score. Attacks on security cameras do NOT affect this score. Similar to the stealth score this value also decreases as it is impacted.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Final Violence Score = 10: The violence score represents how violent Theo’s escape has been. It is impacted by attacking guards and nurses. If a guard engages Theo and he defends himself, it will also count against this score. Attacks on security cameras do NOT affect this score. Similar to the stealth score this value also decreases as it is impacted.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Hacking Score = 3: The hacking score represents how effective Theo has been at the respective infiltration aspects in his escape. This score is impacted by accessing terminals, solving fuse boxes, and picking locks.

    20.00% (410.00)
  • Hacking Score = 57: The hacking score represents how effective Theo has been at the respective infiltration aspects in his escape. This score is impacted by accessing terminals, solving fuse boxes, and picking locks.

    10.00% (819.00)
  • Hacking Score = 96: The hacking score represents how effective Theo has been at the respective infiltration aspects in his escape. This score is impacted by accessing terminals, solving fuse boxes, and picking locks.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Hacking Score = 114: The hacking score represents how effective Theo has been at the respective infiltration aspects in his escape. This score is impacted by accessing terminals, solving fuse boxes, and picking locks.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Access Score = 1: The access score represents the level of access Theo has acquired during his escape. It’s not simply moving your way through the hospital and getting out as fast as possible that counts. There are other rooms to be found and explored, some contain evidence, and some contain ways to aid Theo’s escape. Collect key-cards, and increase your access level at security terminals to impact this score.

    90.00% (8.00)
  • Access Score = 8: The access score represents the level of access Theo has acquired during his escape. It’s not simply moving your way through the hospital and getting out as fast as possible that counts. There are other rooms to be found and explored, some contain evidence, and some contain ways to aid Theo’s escape. Collect key-cards, and increase your access level at security terminals to impact this score.

    50.00% (164.00)
  • Access Score = 17: The access score represents the level of access Theo has acquired during his escape. It’s not simply moving your way through the hospital and getting out as fast as possible that counts. There are other rooms to be found and explored, some contain evidence, and some contain ways to aid Theo’s escape. Collect key-cards, and increase your access level at security terminals to impact this score.

    10.00% (819.00)
  • Access Score = 22: The access score represents the level of access Theo has acquired during his escape. It’s not simply moving your way through the hospital and getting out as fast as possible that counts. There are other rooms to be found and explored, some contain evidence, and some contain ways to aid Theo’s escape. Collect key-cards, and increase your access level at security terminals to impact this score.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Pickup Score = 1: This represents the amount of backstory and contextual information that Theo collects during his escape. These items won’t directly aid him on the outside, but can provide extra bits that may make sense of the strange world of Grey Block. Seek out and pickup news articles and magazines to impact this score.

    80.00% (102.00)
  • Pickup Score = 6: This represents the amount of backstory and contextual information that Theo collects during his escape. These items won’t directly aid him on the outside, but can provide extra bits that may make sense of the strange world of Grey Block. Seek out and pickup news articles and magazines to impact this score.

    10.00% (819.00)
  • Pickup Score = 9: This represents the amount of backstory and contextual information that Theo collects during his escape. These items won’t directly aid him on the outside, but can provide extra bits that may make sense of the strange world of Grey Block. Seek out and pickup news articles and magazines to impact this score.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Pickup Score = 12: This represents the amount of backstory and contextual information that Theo collects during his escape. These items won’t directly aid him on the outside, but can provide extra bits that may make sense of the strange world of Grey Block. Seek out and pickup news articles and magazines to impact this score.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Congratulations on beating Grey Block!

    10.00% (819.00)
  • Congratulations on beating Grey Block!

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Congratulations on REALLY beating Grey Block!

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Wow. Seriously?! Impressed the developer is.

    0.00% (0.00)