• 341 Achievements Earned
  • 77 Players Tracked
  • 10 Total Achievements
  • 4,988 Obtainable EXP
  • 11 100% Club

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IT Simulator is a co-op horror game where two players attempt to return power to an office building. This simulator will give you first-hand experience of the vital work of an IT professional. On your first day you must:

  • Fix the wifi
  • Repair copy machines
  • È̸̮͕͖̔s̷̞̩̦͗͋ć̴̨̝͈͝a̷̪͝p̸͇͝e̴͖̾͗ ̷̖̩̄̉w̷͙͉͉̐͗h̴̨̖̻̑i̵̖̖̖͘l̶̝̥̔̒ȅ̷̤ ̵̢͝ỵ̴̞͗ö̴̟͐͆u̵͍͂ ̶̻̀̏s̴͙͛̎t̸̡̧̠̓̅i̴̡̪̥̽l̵͙̄́ĺ̷͎̘ ̵̜͘c̶̨̖̊͊̓a̷͈̺͗n̷͖̰̂͒

Uh oh! Seems like someone messed with cosmic forces beyond their comprehension! Worst of all, the door out is locked tight! Don't worry, there is nothing here an expert can't handle.

SPLADD Electronics Site-12 is offline

You're going to need to get the lights back on so you can escape. Unfortunately for you, the backup generator on the bottom floor is blocked by a slew of obstacles. Good thing we installed these repair terminals everywhere. WARNING: Accessing SPLADD REPAIR TERMINALS without permission is a security violation and grounds for discharge. Unauthorized use will alert security.

Teamwork is key!

You're not alone in this! SPLADD IT work is done in a two-man team. The Control Room Operator has access to floor-wide diagnostics and can give access to SPLADD REPAIR TERMINALS. Additionally, emergencies grant them access to security cameras and doors to keep employees safe. WIth such a vital job, you'd think they would need more protection than a flimsy wooden door.


The motion trackers just beeped. No employees other than you two have trackers online though. It's probably just a malfunction during this repair cycle. I still wouldn't go near any unexpected lights.


Initial Investigation Notes: The black box data is heavily damaged and I'm forced to run it on old hardware. As I delve deeper into the archive, what I'm seeing becomes stranger and stranger. I'm starting to think that THING isn't the main threat.