• 55 Achievements Earned
  • 15 Players Tracked
  • 12 Total Achievements
  • 5,267 Obtainable EXP
  • 2 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Starting to get the hang of this governing thing.

    66.67% (126.00)
  • The humble beginnings of a magnificent kingdom.

    93.33% (7.00)
  • One hundred souls look to you for leadership.

    53.33% (157.00)
  • A kingdom a thousand people strong! How lucky the people are to have you as their king.

    13.33% (630.00)
  • Singularly the best kingdom that this world has ever seen. You will go down in history as one of the greatest rulers of all time.

    13.33% (630.00)
  • An immensely strong kingdom that few have achieved before you. You have truly demonstrated great ruling ability, sire.

    13.33% (630.00)
  • Your kingdom is strong and has many times overcame hardships that would have crushed a lesser ruler. Your people respect you greatly.

    13.33% (630.00)
  • Ogres cannot match the strength of your kingdom.

    13.33% (630.00)
  • Built a tower reaching for the heavens.

    13.33% (630.00)
  • You are the living embodiment of divinity for your people. Your leadership has set the standard for countless generations to come. Your name is synonymous with bravery and strength and will never be forgotten.

    13.33% (630.00)
  • Dragons are no match for your might.

    26.67% (315.00)
  • A thriving city has been created through your fine leadership.

    33.33% (252.00)