• 139,210 Trophies Earned
  • 29,075 Players Tracked
  • 38 Total Trophies
  • 30,175 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,485 Points
  • 1,616 Platinum Club
  • 232 100% Club
Earned Date

The Virtuous Cycle DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Spend 100,000 tar in The Virtuous Cycle

    1.10% (1934.00)
  • Return your first seed to Twin Sister

    1.02% (2086.00)
  • Return all seeds to Twin Sister and break the Virtuous Cycle

    0.82% (2594.00)
  • Unlock all Shell Shades for The Virtuous Cycle

    0.82% (2594.00)
  • Max familiarity with all of the game's lutes

    1.23% (1730.00)
  • Acquire 100 instincts in one cycle

    1.03% (2065.00)
  • Return a seed with Hadern in The Virtuous Cycle

    0.89% (2390.00)
  • Acquire all 4 weapon Instincts for the Axatana in one cycle

    1.06% (2007.00)
  • Complete a run in The Virtuous Cycle with the Dark Form Obsidian Shell Shade

    0.82% (2594.00)
  • Beat all variations of the Dark Shells in The Virtuous Cycle

    0.82% (2594.00)
  • Fully Upgrade Hadern's skill tree

    1.19% (1788.00)
  • Transform the Axatana between different modes

    2.17% (980.00)