• 1,577 Trophies Earned
  • 124 Players Tracked
  • 23 Total Trophies
  • 1,731 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,305 Points
  • 51 Platinum Club
  • 51 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Now, you rest in peace.

    41.13% (98.00)
  • You've picked the wrong target.

    45.97% (88.00)
  • You've followed the false sign.

    59.68% (68.00)
  • You've performed the ceremony.

    54.84% (74.00)
  • You've proved your courage.

    43.55% (93.00)
  • As expected, you've kept your domain clean.

    52.42% (77.00)
  • You knew that faith will guide and protect you.

    42.74% (95.00)
  • When it called for you, you've answered.

    44.35% (91.00)
  • You've went through the dangers.

    50.81% (80.00)
  • And if you could not - you've still held the urge.

    48.39% (84.00)
  • You've found the shelter where no one could.

    47.58% (85.00)
  • And yet both your fortune and doom are your own achievement.

    49.19% (82.00)
  • You've listened to no warnings.

    98.39% (2.00)
  • Then, your fate was revealed.

    63.71% (63.00)
  • Sometimes there's only one way to get away from the darkness.

    70.97% (57.00)
  • Yet you were patient to continue your search.

    47.58% (85.00)
  • Once fallen, you would not allow another one to fall.

    47.58% (85.00)
  • From day to day, you've fought the silence in the tower.

    70.16% (58.00)
  • Then came a sign brought through a blurry vision.

    66.13% (61.00)
  • You thought you've lost the way.

    68.55% (59.00)
  • But you inner light is enough.

    72.58% (56.00)
  • Now, when you've accepted the burden.

    42.74% (95.00)
  • The isolation ended.

    42.74% (95.00)