• 44,706 Trophies Earned
  • 6,653 Players Tracked
  • 32 Total Trophies
  • 13,981 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,485 Points
  • 1,016 Platinum Club
  • 206 100% Club
Earned Date

Echoes of the Eye DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Raft around the Stranger in under 90 seconds.

    3.85% (1022.00)
  • Render the Deep Space Satellite inoperable.

    20.35% (193.00)
  • Ride the face of the wave for at least 15 seconds on a raft.

    3.14% (1253.00)
  • Attempt to use the second artifact prototype. Curiousity killed the cat, but a time loop brought it back.

    6.06% (649.00)
  • Swim through the dam grate. Not everyone makes it!

    5.44% (723.00)
  • Stand your ground beneath a moving chain elevator.

    5.29% (744.00)
  • This knowledge isn't going to forbid itself!

    4.81% (818.00)
  • Reach all 3 Forbidden Archives in a single loop without getting caught.

    3.76% (1046.00)
  • Be woken up from a dream 5 different ways in a single loop.

    4.16% (946.00)
  • Attempt to use the artifact at a normal campfire. Well, that settles that!

    5.52% (713.00)
  • Shoot the Little Scout at the artificial sun in the Stranger.

    5.65% (696.00)
  • Yahaha! You found me!

    4.34% (906.00)

Echoes of the Eye DLC trophies

Earned Date