• 14,446 Achievements Earned
  • 2,291 Players Tracked
  • 14 Total Achievements
  • 3,804 Obtainable EXP
  • 408 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Destroy 500 Enemies In Endless Mode, without dying

    65.47% (168.00)
  • Destroy all 16 Golden Fodders during Time Attack, without dying

    30.07% (367.00)
  • Survive for 5 minutes in Endless mode

    37.23% (296.00)
  • Survive for 10 minutes in Endless mode

    19.73% (559.00)
  • Destroy A Wyrm within 3 seconds

    33.78% (326.00)
  • Destroy 99% of the enemies in Time Attack, before the boss

    53.08% (208.00)
  • Find a way to obtain ultimate power!

    45.48% (242.00)
  • Collect enough scrap metal to enter Overdrive mode. (After obtaining Ultimate Power)

    44.83% (246.00)
  • Collect enough scrap metal to reach Blue Overdrive

    44.30% (249.00)
  • Collect enough scrap metal to reach Pink Overdrive

    43.30% (255.00)
  • Collect enough scrap metal to reach Red Overdrive

    40.86% (270.00)
  • Collect enough scrap metal to fully charge you're Overdrive, becoming the strongest Savant ever!

    38.06% (290.00)
  • Utilize a grab attack towards an enemy(Attack unlocked by obtaining the 6th Soundtrack)

    65.17% (169.00)
  • Obtain 6 Soundtracks by collecting all the golden CD pieces scattered across the different game modes

    69.18% (159.00)