• 776,095 Trophies Earned
  • 78,412 Players Tracked
  • 43 Total Trophies
  • 19,165 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,290 Points
  • 1,444 Platinum Club
  • 1,440 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Congratulations! You are a true CHAMPION.

    1.84% (1470.00)
  • Win a Disc Golf match in any mode.

    69.70% (39.00)
  • Get a hole-in-one in Disc Golf.

    23.48% (115.00)
  • Get a score of 5000 or better in Disc Golf Challenge Mode.

    3.03% (892.00)
  • Toss 20 discs close enough to an opponent in Disc Golf to make them get out of the way in Champions Cup.

    3.86% (701.00)
  • Shoot a score of -10 or better over the full 18 hole course in Disc Golf.

    3.46% (782.00)
  • Win a Gladiator Duel match in any mode.

    88.13% (31.00)
  • Win 30 matches in Gladiator Duel by knocking your opponent out of the ring in Champions Cup.

    5.50% (492.00)
  • Get a score of 15,000 or better in Gladiator Duel Challenge Mode.

    6.32% (428.00)
  • Successfully parry (block using JUST your weapon) a "Super Strike" attempt against all 10 opponents in Gladiator Duel playing in Champions Cup.

    2.87% (942.00)
  • Complete 50 "Super Strikes" in Gladiator Duel playing in Champions Cup.

    7.62% (355.00)
  • Win an Archery match in any mode.

    86.38% (31.00)
  • Score 3 bull's-eyes in a row on floating Archery targets.

    7.85% (344.00)
  • Get a score of 15,000 or better in Archery Challenge Mode.

    5.89% (459.00)
  • Split three arrows in a row in any Archery mode.

    9.89% (273.00)
  • Get 100 bull's-eyes in Archery playing in Champions Cup.

    4.23% (639.00)
  • Win a Beach Volleyball match in any mode.

    78.14% (35.00)
  • Win a match in Beach Volleyball without allowing your opponent to score a single point (any mode, any number of sets, and a minimum of 11 points per set).

    4.80% (563.00)
  • Get a score of 20,000 or better in Beach Volleyball Challenge Mode.

    3.02% (895.00)
  • Win a multiplayer cooperative game in Beach Volleyball.

    18.70% (145.00)
  • Make 50 diving digs and 100 blocks in Beach Volleyball playing in Champions Cup.

    10.39% (260.00)
  • Win a Bocce match in any mode.

    67.68% (40.00)
  • Sweep a frame by scoring a point on every ball you throw in one round of Bocce.

    36.94% (73.00)
  • Get a score of 15,000 or better in Bocce Challenge Mode.

    2.63% (1028.00)
  • Hit 30 opponent balls out of the way to claim the inside position (aka "Super Shots") in Champions Cup.

    3.66% (739.00)
  • Win a Table Tennis match in any mode.

    81.82% (33.00)
  • Get a rally of at least 25 in a Table Tennis match (AND win the point) in any mode.

    56.63% (48.00)
  • Get a score of 15,000 or better in Table Tennis Challenge Mode.

    5.02% (539.00)
  • Hit 10 blazing fast spinning shots that nick off the edge of the table playing Table Tennis in Champions Cup.

    29.31% (92.00)
  • Win 100 rallies in Table Tennis with Smash Winners in Champions Cup.

    12.29% (220.00)
  • Play at least 1 match of Gladiator Duel, Archery and Beach Volleyball in Champion's Cup or Free Play using two motion controllers.

    21.34% (127.00)
  • Play a multiplayer game in every event.

    16.41% (165.00)
  • Replay a previously won Champions Cup match (any event) and improve your score.

    58.77% (46.00)
  • Win the Bronze Cup in every event.

    9.26% (292.00)
  • Win the Silver Cup in every event.

    3.23% (837.00)
  • Win the Gold Cup in every event.

    2.21% (1224.00)
  • Win a match with all 10 characters, in every event, playing any mode.

    3.09% (875.00)
  • Earn 10 stars in Champions Cup.

    84.54% (32.00)
  • Earn 150 stars in Champions Cup.

    23.02% (117.00)
  • Earn 300 stars in Champions Cup.

    6.72% (402.00)
  • Earn 600 stars in Champions Cup.

    2.12% (1275.00)
  • Win a Match in every event without losing a hole (Disc Golf), round (Gladiator Duel, Archery), or point (Beach Volleyball, Bocce, Table Tennis) in Champions Cup.

    14.93% (181.00)
  • Earn at least 500,000 points in your total score. Nigel would be proud.

    3.04% (889.00)