• 55,802 Trophies Earned
  • 4,077 Players Tracked
  • 81 Total Trophies
  • 29,397 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,905 Points
  • 257 Platinum Club
  • 32 100% Club
Earned Date

Space Race DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Played as USA and had a Geoscape Dome with a Megamall before Sol 100

    2.89% (609.00)
  • Tao

    Played as China and had Tai-chi Gardens in 10 Domes before Sol 100

    2.87% (613.00)
  • Played as Blue Sun Corporation and produced $100,000 M Funding before Sol 100

    2.31% (762.00)
  • Played as Europe and reached daily production of 10,000 Research before Sol 100

    2.33% (755.00)
  • Played as India and converted 3000 Waste Rock to useful materials before Sol 100

    2.97% (592.00)
  • Played as SpaceY and complete all Sponsor Goals on challenge rating 500% or higher

    2.11% (834.00)
  • Played as Russia and had 500 colonists on challenge rating 500% or higher

    2.01% (875.00)
  • Played as Church of the new Ark and had 250 Colonists at 70+ Comfort before Sol 100

    2.11% (834.00)
  • Played as Japan and trained 200 specialists before Sol 100

    1.89% (931.00)
  • Played as Brazil and converted 2000 Waste Rock to Rare Metals before Sol 100

    3.43% (513.00)

Green Planet DLC trophies

Earned Date

Below and Beyond DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Successfully returned from an asteroid

    2.72% (647.00)
  • Visited 3 asteroids simultaneously

    1.64% (1073.00)
  • Fully developed a buried wonder to benefit your colony

    1.45% (1213.00)
  • Completed all techs in the recon & expansion tech tree

    2.21% (796.00)
  • Retrieved all resources from an asteroid & leave nothing behind

    1.23% (1431.00)
  • Fully developed all buried wonders in the underground, before sol 100

    0.86% (2046.00)
  • Prevented 100 Cave-ins from Underground Marsquakes

    0.93% (1892.00)
  • All your colonists live underground (at least 200 colonists)

    1.20% (1466.00)
  • Had a single Asteroid Lander visit 10 asteroids before returning to Mars

    1.08% (1629.00)
  • Went game over as your last colonists left Mars behind to take a trip into the great unknown

    1.01% (1742.00)