• 77,865 Trophies Earned
  • 38,850 Players Tracked
  • 16 Total Trophies
  • 26,189 Obtainable EXP
  • 360 Points
  • 0 Platinum Club
  • 367 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Play 1200 matches. Easy for a martial arts maniac like me... I want to fight someone stronger!

    1.41% (2386.00)
  • Play 600 Ranked Matches. My Koen-Ken does not waver. You won't make a fuss over this, will you?

    1.50% (2243.00)
  • Play 200 Room Matches. Hmph... Sarah is about the only person who can stop me.

    1.94% (1734.00)
  • Defeat Dural and clear Arcade Mode. To buy a boat or a fish detector. Decisions, decisions...

    21.34% (158.00)
  • Play 1 Ranked Match. Is your Kung-Fu enough? I've only just begun!

    36.97% (91.00)
  • Play 1 Room Match. A ninja conceals oneself... A ninja does not prefer... crowds.

    25.27% (133.00)
  • Send a stamp. The heart of Pro-Wrestling is to entertain others, so you're now a pro wrestler too!

    21.14% (159.00)
  • Practice in TRAINING. What's important for a sumo is daily training... Head-to-head training that is!

    78.81% (43.00)
  • Play 300 Ranked Matches. Did you think I was just some spoiled rich-boy? You shouldn't take me lightly.

    1.75% (1922.00)
  • Play 100 Room Matches. This is just the beginning... Otherwise, how am I supposed to become the queen of the Virtua Fighter world!?

    2.58% (1304.00)
  • Play 300 Ranked Matches each using two characters. I've surpassed everyone's imagination... Now to master all the characters!

    1.38% (2438.00)
  • Play 200 Room Matches each using two characters. This is the strength I've yearned for! Feel the weight of this four-thousand-year-old Kung-Fu.

    1.45% (2320.00)
  • Play either 50 Tournament Matches or 50 League Matches in Room Match. Come at me with whatever fighting style you've got! I'll take you on with my Kung-Fu!

    1.58% (2129.00)

Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown DLC trophies

Earned Date