• 490,864 Trophies Earned
  • 76,556 Players Tracked
  • 66 Total Trophies
  • 38,658 Obtainable EXP
  • 2,070 Points
  • 742 Platinum Club
  • 162 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Collect all trophies in the base game.

    0.97% (1635.00)
  • Research a tier X American tank.

    1.63% (973.00)
  • Research a tier X German tank.

    1.80% (881.00)
  • Research a tier X Soviet tank.

    1.70% (933.00)
  • Research a tier VII tank.

    6.64% (239.00)
  • War

    Destroy 500 tanks. MP only.

    5.55% (286.00)
  • Destroy more enemy vehicles than any player in your team during the battle (at least 6). MP only.

    9.57% (166.00)
  • Destroy a tank at least two tiers higher than your own. WWII mode only.

    16.05% (99.00)
  • Destroy 4 enemy tanks in a single match while using an American tank. MP only.

    16.93% (94.00)
  • Destroy 4 enemy tanks in a single match while using a German tank. MP Only.

    12.31% (129.00)
  • Destroy 4 enemy tanks in a single match while using a Soviet tank. MP Only.

    10.21% (155.00)
  • Survive a match and earn 2x more XP than the 2nd best player on your team, before bonuses. MP only.

    14.67% (108.00)
  • Block more damage than 2x the hitpoints of your tank. MP Only.

    30.85% (51.00)
  • Earn the Ace Tanker Mastery Badge and survive.

    8.76% (181.00)
  • Block more damage than your team after surviving at least 11 hits for 1,000 potential HP. MP Only.

    10.97% (145.00)
  • Finish a match with 100% health with a potential damage taken of 1000 or more. MP only.

    4.47% (355.00)
  • Hit at least 85% in 10 or more shots fired and a potential damage of at least 1,000 HP. MP only.

    11.08% (143.00)
  • Destroy all enemy light tanks during a match, must be 3 or more. MP only.

    3.28% (483.00)
  • Fully train a Commander to max out all skill slots.

    2.27% (699.00)
  • Capture the maximum number of points from the enemy base, but not less than 80, 3 times. MP only.

    3.68% (431.00)
  • Reduce the amount of enemy capture points on a friendly base by 70 or more, 3 times. MP only.

    3.42% (464.00)
  • Immobilize 100 enemies by destroying their treads. MP only.

    8.52% (186.00)
  • Research a tier V tank.

    18.63% (85.00)
  • Play 100 matches as a light tank. MP only.

    8.67% (183.00)
  • Play 100 matches as a medium tank. MP only.

    9.12% (174.00)
  • Play 100 matches as a heavy tank. MP only.

    6.57% (241.00)
  • Play 100 matches as a tank destroyer. MP only.

    6.08% (261.00)
  • Play 100 matches as artillery. MP only.

    4.41% (360.00)
  • Earn the second skill slot on a Commander.

    16.26% (98.00)
  • Earn a total of 240,000 Commander XP across all owned Commanders.

    41.39% (38.00)
  • Complete 8 Season Challenges.

    76.28% (21.00)
  • Be on the winning team in four matches.

    60.51% (26.00)

The Motherland DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Destroy 4 enemy tanks in a single match while using a British tank. MP Only.

    5.39% (294.00)
  • Cause the most damage in a winning Team Destruction match and survive. MP Only.

    4.91% (323.00)
  • Earn 100,000+ silver in a single match (gross earnings before Challenges) and survive.

    2.28% (695.00)
  • Earn a fifth skill slot on a Commander.

    2.71% (585.00)
  • Destroy 3 or more enemy tanks in a match with an Elite Commander equipped and survive. MP only.

    1.34% (1183.00)
  • Destroy 2 enemy tanks trying to capture a friendly base. MP only.

    7.40% (214.00)

Heavyweight DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Destroy an undetected enemy tank.

    34.85% (46.00)
  • Survive for one minute while remaining spotted as the last member of your team. MP Only.

    4.03% (393.00)
  • Play in one of each camo locale with camo equipped. MP Only.

    5.66% (280.00)
  • Request Fire on a target and have it destroyed by an ally within 30 seconds. MP Only.

    12.43% (128.00)
  • Enter a battle with 3 types of Equipment on a tank. MP Only.

    17.36% (91.00)
  • MVP

    Have the highest XP of your team and survive. MP only.

    21.84% (73.00)
  • Survive and win a battle along with one or more platoon mates. MP only.

    13.45% (118.00)
  • While in a platoon, destroy an enemy tank that is in a platoon. MP only.

    10.73% (148.00)

Tank Heroes DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Destroy 1000 tanks in multiplayer.

    3.52% (450.00)
  • Destroy 4 enemy tanks in a single multiplayer match while using a French tank.

    3.45% (460.00)
  • Research a tier X of each class.

    0.52% (3049.00)
  • Earn 15 or more spotting assist ribbons during a multiplayer battle

    5.77% (275.00)
  • Play at least five matches Ranked Battles.

    1.41% (1125.00)
  • Win and survive ten battles in a tier X.

    1.98% (801.00)

War Stories DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Complete a story chapter successfully.

    21.57% (74.00)
  • Complete all of a story's chapters with a different tank.

    1.60% (991.00)
  • Complete all chapters of a story successfully.

    5.99% (265.00)
  • Complete all chapters of four stories successfully.

    1.61% (985.00)
  • Complete a chapter of a story with another player.

    2.39% (663.00)
  • Complete a chapter of a story with a different tier X tank.

    0.86% (1844.00)

Mercenaries DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Complete the first stage of a mercenary contract.

    6.12% (259.00)
  • Complete a mercenary contract.

    1.27% (1249.00)
  • Win 5 Multiplayer battles in a platoon of only mercenary tanks.

    0.62% (2558.00)
  • Win 100 Multiplayer battles in mercenary tanks.

    0.64% (2478.00)
  • Earn a Mastery Badge of Class I or higher on a mercenary tank.

    1.47% (1079.00)
  • Earn Marks of Excellence on a tier V or higher mercenary tank.

    0.88% (1802.00)
  • Destroy 50 enemies in Multiplayer with a mercenary tank.

    0.93% (1705.00)
  • Complete The Heist War Story successfully.

    0.96% (1652.00)